# =====IMPORTS===== # Future imports from __future__ import annotations # Built-in imports from functools import cached_property # Own imports from .decorators import SimpleCommand, Daemon, Default, RegexCommand # Typing imports from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: # Built-in imports from typing import List, Any class ModuleMeta: def _filter_attrs(self, condition: callable[[Any], bool]) -> List[Any]: # This prevents an infinite loop of getting the attribute illegal_names = ["commands", "daemons", "default"] output = [] for attr in filter(lambda x: x not in illegal_names, dir(self)): value = getattr(self, attr) if condition(value): output.append(value) return output @cached_property def commands(self) -> List[SimpleCommand]: # This also matches RegexCommand objects # The sort puts all the RegexCommand objects at the back,making # them be matched last return sorted( self._filter_attrs(lambda val: isinstance(val, SimpleCommand)), key=lambda x: isinstance(x, RegexCommand), ) @cached_property def daemons(self) -> List[Daemon]: return self._filter_attrs(lambda val: isinstance(val, Daemon)) @cached_property def default(self) -> Default: return next( iter(self._filter_attrs(lambda val: isinstance(val, Default))), None )