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2022-09-17 23:20:46 +02:00
from __future__ import annotations
import pathlib
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional
from arrow import Arrow
from ics import Calendar
from overrides import overrides
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
from database.crud.ufora_courses import get_course_by_code
from database.schemas import UforaCourse
from didier.utils.types.datetime import LOCAL_TIMEZONE
from settings import ScheduleType
__all__ = ["Schedule", "parse_schedule_from_content", "parse_schedule"]
class Schedule:
"""An entire schedule"""
slots: set[ScheduleSlot]
class ScheduleSlot:
"""A slot in the schedule"""
course: UforaCourse
start_time: datetime
end_time: datetime
location: str
_hash: int = field(init=False)
def __post_init__(self):
"""Fix some properties to display more nicely"""
# Re-format the location data
room, building, campus = re.search(r"Leslokaal (.*)\. Gebouw (.*)\. Campus (.*)\. ", self.location).groups()
self.location = f"{campus} {building} {room}"
self._hash = hash(f"{self.course.course_id} {str(self.start_time)}")
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return self._hash
def __eq__(self, other: ScheduleSlot):
return self._hash == other._hash
def parse_course_code(summary: str) -> str:
"""Parse a course's code out of the summary"""
code = re.search(r"^([^ ]+)\. ", summary).groups()[0]
# Strip off last character as it's not relevant
if code[-1].isalpha():
return code[:-1]
return code
def parse_time_string(string: str) -> datetime:
"""Parse an ISO string to a timezone-aware datetime instance"""
return datetime.fromisoformat(string).astimezone(LOCAL_TIMEZONE)
async def parse_schedule_from_content(content: str, *, database_session: AsyncSession) -> Schedule:
"""Parse a schedule file, taking the file content as an argument
This can be used to avoid unnecessarily opening the file again if you already have its contents
calendar = Calendar(content)
day = Arrow(year=2022, month=9, day=26)
events = list(calendar.timeline.on(day))
course_codes: dict[str, UforaCourse] = {}
slots: set[ScheduleSlot] = set()
for event in events:
code = parse_course_code(event.name)
if code not in course_codes:
course = await get_course_by_code(database_session, code)
if course is None:
# raise ValueError(f"Unable to find course with code {code} (event {event.name})")
continue # TODO uncomment the line above
course_codes[code] = course
# Overwrite the name to be the sanitized value
event.name = code
slot = ScheduleSlot(
return Schedule(slots=slots)
async def parse_schedule(name: ScheduleType, *, database_session: AsyncSession) -> Optional[Schedule]:
"""Read and then parse a schedule file"""
schedule_path = pathlib.Path(f"files/schedules/{name}.ics")
if not schedule_path.exists():
return None
with open(schedule_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
return await parse_schedule_from_content(fp.read(), database_session=database_session)