
345 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

def check(content, earlier=[]):
# No arguments passed
if len(content) < 1:
return False, ["Controleer je argumenten."]
# More than 20 reacts queried
if len(" ".join(content)) + len(earlier) > 20:
return False, ["Er kunnen maximaal 20 emoji's op een message geplaatst worden."]
# This command should work case insensitive
for i, word in enumerate(content):
content[i] = word.lower()
invalid_characters = []
# Check valid characters
for word in content:
for letter in word:
if letter not in allowedCharacters():
# Get uniques
invalid_characters = list(set(invalid_characters))
# Invalid char was passed
if len(invalid_characters) == 1:
return False, ["**{}** is geen geldige letter.".format(invalid_characters[0])]
# Multiple invalid chars were passed
if len(invalid_characters) > 1:
return False, ["**{}** en **{}** zijn geen geldige letters.".format(
", ".join(invalid_characters[:-1]), invalid_characters[-1]
# Check if ID was passed or not, remove from list of words if so
# Also join everything into one word
if content[-1].isdigit() and len(content[-1]) > 10:
content[0] = "".join(content[:-1])
content[0] = "".join(content)
# In case a space was passed using "a b", strip it out as well
content[0] = content[0].replace(" ", "")
doubles = getDoubles()
nums = getNumbers()
specials = getSpecialCharacters()
unidic = getUnicodeDict()
# Check for reactions that were already added earlier
for x in earlier:
# Check if reaction is a random reaction or a letter/number
if x in unidic.values():
word = ""
# Find the key used, remove it from the list of remaining available letters
for key in unidic:
if unidic[key] == x:
word = key
del unidic[word]
# Same thing for doubles
for k in list(doubles.keys()):
if word in doubles[k]:
if len(doubles[k]) == 0:
del doubles[k]
# Same thing for numbers
for k in list(nums.keys()):
if nums[k] == word:
del nums[k]
# Same thing for special characters
for k in list(specials.keys()):
if word in specials[k]:
if len(specials[k]) == 0:
del specials[k]
# Check if earlier letters made this reaction impossible
for letter in content[0]:
c = content[0].count(letter)
2020-12-25 20:07:55 +01:00
# If a letter was added three times, but there is only two, that's an issue
if c > 2 and letter not in doubles:
return False, ["Er zijn niet genoeg **{}**'s om dit woord te reacten.".format(letter)]
2020-12-25 20:07:55 +01:00
elif c > 2 and letter in doubles and len(doubles[letter]) < c:
return False, ["Er zijn niet genoeg **{}**'s om dit woord te reacten.".format(letter)]
# Array of emoji's
arr = []
# Start checking every character
for letter in content[0]:
# Letters
if letter.isalpha():
2020-12-25 20:07:55 +01:00
reg_ind = "regional_indicator_{}".format(letter)
zb = "zb_{}".format(letter.upper())
# Check if this letter has not been added yet
2020-12-25 20:07:55 +01:00
if reg_ind in unidic and unidic[reg_ind] not in arr:
# Remove this letter as an option from the list of doubles
if letter in doubles:
doubles[letter] = doubles[letter][1:]
2020-12-25 20:07:55 +01:00
# Check for Zandbak copies
elif zb in unidic and unidic[zb] not in arr:
# Remove this letter as an option from the list of doubles
if letter in doubles:
doubles[letter] = doubles[letter][1:]
# Letter has been added before, but there's a double for it
elif letter in doubles:
if len(doubles[letter]) == 0:
return False, ["Er zijn niet genoeg **{}**'s om dit woord te reacten.".format(letter)]
# Remove the number-equivalent from nums if it is used as a substitute here
if doubles[letter][0] in nums.values():
for k in nums:
if nums[k] == doubles[letter][0]:
del nums[k]
# Remove this character from the list of available doubles
doubles[letter] = doubles[letter][1:]
# Remove from the dictionary of doubles if the last double was used
if len(doubles[letter]) == 0:
del doubles[letter]
return False, ["Er zijn niet genoeg **{}**'s om dit woord te reacten.".format(letter)]
# Special characteres
elif letter in specials:
# No more options
if len(specials[letter]) == 0:
return False, ["Er zijn niet genoeg **{}**'s om dit woord te reacten.".format(letter)]
# Add it to the array & remove from the list of options
if len(specials[letter]) == 0:
del specials[letter]
# Number
# Number was used before as a double for a letter
if letter not in nums:
return False, ["Er zijn niet genoeg **{}**'s om dit woord te reacten.".format(letter)]
# Add this emoji to the array, remove it as a double everywhere
for x in doubles:
# Remove this number as a substitute if it is used anywhere
if nums[letter] == doubles[x][-1]:
doubles[x] = doubles[x][:-1]
if len(doubles[x]) == 0:
del doubles[x]
return True, arr
def allowedCharacters():
return ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u',
'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', "!", "?", "#", "*", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
def getDoubles():
doubles = {
2020-12-25 20:07:55 +01:00
"a": ["regional_indicator_a", "zb_A", "a", "four"],
"b": ["regional_indicator_b", "zb_B", "b"],
"o": ["regional_indicator_o", "zb_O", "o2", "zero"],
"i": ["regional_indicator_i", "zb_I", "information_source", "one"],
"p": ["regional_indicator_p", "zb_P", "parking"],
"m": ["regional_indicator_m", "zb_M", "m"],
"s": ["regional_indicator_s", "zb_S", "five"],
"g": ["regional_indicator_g", "zb_G", "six"],
"e": ["regional_indicator_e", "zb_E", "three"],
"!": ["exclamation", "grey_exclamation"],
"?": ["question", "grey_question"]
return doubles
def getNumbers():
nums = {
"0": "zero",
"1": "one",
"2": "two",
"3": "three",
"4": "four",
"5": "five",
"6": "six",
"7": "seven",
"8": "eight",
"9": "nine"
return nums
def getSpecialCharacters():
specials = {
"?": ["question", "grey_question"],
"!": ["exclamation", "grey_exclamation"],
"*": ["asterisk"],
"#": ["hash"]
return specials
def getUnicodeDict():
unidic = {
"regional_indicator_a": "🇦",
"regional_indicator_b": "🇧",
"regional_indicator_c": "🇨",
"regional_indicator_d": "🇩",
"regional_indicator_e": "🇪",
"regional_indicator_f": "🇫",
"regional_indicator_g": "🇬",
"regional_indicator_h": "🇭",
"regional_indicator_i": "🇮",
"regional_indicator_j": "🇯",
"regional_indicator_k": "🇰",
"regional_indicator_l": "🇱",
"regional_indicator_m": "🇲",
"regional_indicator_n": "🇳",
"regional_indicator_o": "🇴",
"regional_indicator_p": "🇵",
"regional_indicator_q": "🇶",
"regional_indicator_r": "🇷",
"regional_indicator_s": "🇸",
"regional_indicator_t": "🇹",
"regional_indicator_u": "🇺",
"regional_indicator_v": "🇻",
"regional_indicator_w": "🇼",
"regional_indicator_x": "🇽",
"regional_indicator_y": "🇾",
"regional_indicator_z": "🇿",
2020-12-25 20:07:55 +01:00
"zb_A": "<:zb_A:792094798516453387>",
"zb_B": "<:zb_B:792094798986346507>",
"zb_C": "<:zb_C:792094799724412958>",
"zb_D": "<:zb_D:792094799984984124>",
"zb_E": "<:zb_E:792094800093380649>",
"zb_F": "<:zb_F:792094799657566278>",
"zb_G": "<:zb_G:792094800014606336>",
"zb_H": "<:zb_H:792094799745908736>",
"zb_I": "<:zb_I:792094799620079626>",
"zb_J": "<:zb_J:792094799800958976>",
"zb_K": "<:zb_K:792094800069263420>",
"zb_L": "<:zb_L:792094754036383755>",
"zb_M": "<:zb_M:792094704674013234>",
"zb_N": "<:zb_N:792094660281630751>",
"zb_O": "<:zb_O:792094628848467998>",
"zb_P": "<:zb_P:792094590793940992>",
"zb_Q": "<:zb_Q:792094558417584138>",
"zb_R": "<:zb_R:792094529951498260>",
"zb_S": "<:zb_S:792094506526572564>",
"zb_T": "<:zb_T:792094451530334228>",
"zb_U": "<:zb_U:792094420195082240>",
"zb_V": "<:zb_V:792094388716437544>",
"zb_W": "<:zb_W:792094342285754378>",
"zb_X": "<:zb_X:792094308412293190>",
"zb_Y": "<:zb_Y:792094270445322270>",
"zb_Z": "<:zb_Z:792094240212779028>",
"a": "🅰️",
"b": "🅱️",
"o2": "🅾️",
"information_source": "",
"parking": "🅿️",
"m": "Ⓜ️",
"zero": "0⃣",
"one": "1",
"two": "2",
"three": "3",
"four": "4",
"five": "5",
"six": "6",
"seven": "7",
"eight": "8",
"nine": "9",
"exclamation": "",
"grey_exclamation": "",
"question": "",
"grey_question": "",
"hash": "#️⃣",
"asterisk": "*️⃣"
return unidic
# Returns a list of all emoji's that exist for a char
def getAllVariants(char: str):
variants = []
# Letter
reg_ind = "regional_indicator_{}".format(char)
if reg_ind in getUnicodeDict():
2020-12-25 20:07:55 +01:00
# Number
elif char in getNumbers():
# Special Character
elif char in getSpecialCharacters():
for letter in getSpecialCharacters()[char]:
# Get all doubles
if char in getDoubles():
for letter in getDoubles()[char]:
# Remove doubles that might have slipped in
# Use a list here to keep the order!
uniques = []
for var in variants:
rep = ":" + var + ":"
2020-12-25 20:07:55 +01:00
# Zandbak copies are formatted differently
if var.startswith("zb_"):
rep = getUnicodeDict()[var]
if rep not in uniques:
return uniques