
297 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from decorators import help
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from enums.help_categories import Category
from functions import checks, timeFormatters
import requests
class Corona(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
# Don't allow any commands to work when locked
def cog_check(self, ctx):
return not self.client.locked
# Gets the information & calls other functions if necessary
@commands.group(name="Corona", usage="[Land]*", case_insensitive=True, invoke_without_command=True)
async def corona(self, ctx, country: str = "Belgium"):
Command that shows the corona stats for a certain country.
:param ctx: Discord Context
:param country: the country to show the stats for
dic = await self.getCountryStats(country)
if dic is None:
# Country was not found
await self.sendError(ctx)
await self.sendEmbed(ctx, dic)
@corona.command(aliases=["lb", "leaderboards"], hidden=True)
async def leaderboard(self, ctx):
Command that shows the Corona Leaderboard.
Alias for Lb Corona.
:param ctx: Discord Context
:return: y
await self.client.get_cog("Leaderboards").callLeaderboard("corona", ctx)
async def sendEmbed(self, ctx, dic):
Function that sends a Corona embed from a dictionary.
:param ctx: Discord Context
:param dic: the dictionary corresponding to this country
embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.red(), title="Coronatracker {}".format(dic["today"]["country"]))
# Total
embed.add_field(name="Totale Gevallen (Vandaag):",
value="{:,} **(+{:,})** {}".format(
self.trendIndicator(dic, "todayCases")
# Active
embed.add_field(name="Actieve Gevallen (Vandaag):",
value="{:,} **(+{:,})** {}".format(
dic["today"]["activeCases"] - dic["yesterday"]["activeCases"],
# Deaths
embed.add_field(name="Sterfgevallen (Vandaag):",
value="{:,} **(+{:,})** {}".format(
self.trendIndicator(dic, "todayDeaths")
# Recovered
embed.add_field(name="Hersteld (Vandaag):",
value="{:,} **(+{:,}) {}**".format(
self.trendIndicator(dic, "todayRecovered")
# Test Cases
embed.add_field(name="Aantal uitgevoerde tests:",
# Timestamp of last update
timeFormatted = timeFormatters.epochToDate(dic["today"]["updated"])
embed.set_footer(text="Laatst geüpdatet op {} ({} geleden)".format(
timeFormatted["date"], timeFormatted["timeAgo"]))
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
@commands.command(name="Trends", aliases=["Ct"], usage="[Land]*")
async def trends(self, ctx, country: str = "Belgium"):
Command that gives more precise stats & changes.
:param ctx: Discord Context
:param country: the country to get the stats for
dic = await self.getCountryStats(country)
if dic is None:
await self.sendError(ctx)
# Get the distribution for this country
distribution = self.distribution(dic)
embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.red(), title="Coronatrends {}".format(dic["today"]["country"]))
# Calculate the trends & add them into the fields
embed.add_field(name="Totale Gevallen\n({:,})".format(dic["today"]["cases"]),
value=self.trend(dic, "cases"),
value=self.trend(dic, "deaths"),
value=self.trend(dic, "recovered"))
embed.add_field(name="Totale Gevallen\nVandaag ({:,})".format(dic["today"]["todayCases"]),
value=self.trend(dic, "todayCases"),
embed.add_field(name="Sterfgevallen\nVandaag ({:,})".format(dic["today"]["todayDeaths"]),
value=self.trend(dic, "todayDeaths"),
embed.add_field(name="Hersteld\nVandaag ({:,})".format(dic["today"]["todayRecovered"]),
value=self.trend(dic, "todayRecovered"))
embed.add_field(name="Verdeling", value="Actief: {} | Overleden: {} | Hersteld: {}".format(
distribution[0], distribution[1], distribution[2]), inline=False)
# Timestamp of last update
timeFormatted = timeFormatters.epochToDate(dic["today"]["updated"])
embed.set_footer(text="Laatst geüpdatet op {} ({} geleden)".format(
timeFormatted["date"], timeFormatted["timeAgo"]))
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def getCountryStats(self, country):
Function that gets the stats for a specific country.
:param country: the country to get the stats for
:return: a dictionary containing the info for today & yesterday
# Check if Global or a country was passed
if country.lower() == "global":
country = "all?"
country = "countries/{}?strict=false&".format(country)
today = requests.get("https://disease.sh/v3/covid-19/{}yesterday=false&allowNull=false".format(country)).json()
# Send error message
if "message" in today:
return None
yesterday = requests.get("https://disease.sh/v3/covid-19/{}yesterday=true&allowNull=false".format(country)) \
# Divide into today & yesterday to be able to calculate the changes
dic = {
"today": {
"country": today["country"] if country != "all?" else "Global",
"cases": today["cases"],
"activeCases": today["active"],
"todayCases": today["todayCases"],
"deaths": today["deaths"],
"todayDeaths": today["todayDeaths"],
"recovered": today["recovered"],
"todayRecovered": today["todayRecovered"],
"tests": today["tests"],
"updated": today["updated"]
"yesterday": {
"cases": yesterday["cases"],
"activeCases": yesterday["active"],
"todayCases": yesterday["todayCases"],
"deaths": yesterday["deaths"],
"todayDeaths": yesterday["todayDeaths"],
"recovered": yesterday["recovered"],
"todayRecovered": yesterday["todayRecovered"],
"tests": yesterday["tests"],
"updated": yesterday["updated"]
return dic
def distribution(self, dic):
Calculates the percentage distribution for every key & shows an indicator.
:param dic: the today/yesterday dictionary for this country
:return: a list containing the distribution + indicator for active, recovered & deaths
totalToday = dic["today"]["cases"] if dic["today"]["cases"] != 0 else 1
totalYesterday = dic["yesterday"]["cases"] if dic["yesterday"]["cases"] != 0 else 1
tap = round(100 * dic["today"]["activeCases"]/totalToday, 2) # Today Active Percentage
trp = round(100 * dic["today"]["recovered"]/totalToday, 2) # Today Recovered Percentage
tdp = round(100 * dic["today"]["deaths"]/totalToday, 2) # Today Deaths Percentage
yap = round(100 * dic["yesterday"]["activeCases"] / totalYesterday, 2) # Yesterday Active Percentage
yrp = round(100 * dic["yesterday"]["recovered"] / totalYesterday, 2) # Yesterday Recovered Percentage
ydp = round(100 * dic["yesterday"]["deaths"] / totalYesterday, 2) # Yesterday Deaths Percentage
return ["{}% {}".format(tap, self.indicator(tap, yap)),
"{}% {}".format(tdp, self.indicator(tdp, ydp)),
"{}% {}".format(trp, self.indicator(trp, yrp))]
async def sendError(self, ctx):
Function that sends an error embed when an invalid country was passed.
:param ctx: Discord Context
embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.red())
embed.add_field(name="Error", value="Dit land staat niet in de database.", inline=False)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
# Returns a number and a percentage of rise/decline
def trend(self, dic, key):
Function that creates a string representing a number & percentage of
rise & decline for a certain key of the dict.
:param dic: the today/yesterday dictionary for this country
:param key: the key to compare
:return: a string showing the increase in numbers & percentages
# Difference vs yesterday
change = dic["today"][key] - dic["yesterday"][key]
# Don't divide by 0
yesterday = dic["yesterday"][key] if dic["yesterday"][key] != 0 else 1
# Percentage
perc = round(100 * change/yesterday, 2)
# Sign to add to the number
sign = "+" if change >= 0 else ""
return "{}{:,} ({}{:,}%)".format(sign, change, sign, perc)
# Requires a bit of math so this is a separate function
def activeTrendIndicator(self, dic):
Function that returns a rise/decline indicator for the active cases of the day.
This is a separate function as it requires some math to get right.
New cases have to take into account the deaths & recovered cases being
subtracted as well.
:param dic: the today/yesterday dictionary for this country
:return: a triangle emoji or empty string
todayNew = dic["today"]["todayCases"] - dic["today"]["todayDeaths"] - dic["today"]["todayRecovered"]
yesterdayNew = dic["yesterday"]["todayCases"] - dic["yesterday"]["todayDeaths"] - dic["yesterday"]["todayRecovered"]
return ":small_red_triangle:" if todayNew > yesterdayNew else \
(":small_red_triangle_down:" if todayNew < yesterdayNew else "")
# Returns an arrow indicating rise or decline
def trendIndicator(self, dic, key):
Function that returns a rise/decline indicator for the target key.
:param dic: the today/yesterday dictionary for this country
:param key: the key to get the indicator for
:return: a triangle emoji or empty string
return ":small_red_triangle:" if dic["today"][key] > dic["yesterday"][key] else \
(":small_red_triangle_down:" if dic["today"][key] < dic["yesterday"][key] else "")
# Also returns an indicator, but compares instead of pulling it out of the dic (for custom numbers)
def indicator(self, today, yesterday):
Function that also returns an indicator but for two numbers
instead of comparing values out of the dictionary.
:param today: the number representing today
:param yesterday: the number representing yesterday
:return: a triangle emoji or empty string
return ":small_red_triangle:" if today > yesterday else \
(":small_red_triangle_down:" if yesterday > today else "")
def setup(client):