
346 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from data import constants
import datetime
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from functions import checks, easterEggResponses
from functions.database import stats, muttn
import pytz
import time
import traceback
class Events(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
self.utilsCog = self.client.get_cog("Utils")
self.failedChecksCog = self.client.get_cog("FailedChecks")
self.lastFeatureRequest = 0
self.lastBugReport = 0
async def on_connect(self):
Function called when the bot connects to Discord.
async def on_ready(self):
Function called when the bot is ready & done leading.
# Change status
with open("files/status.txt", "r") as statusFile:
status = statusFile.readline()
await self.client.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online, activity=discord.Game(str(status)))
# Print a message in the terminal to show that he's ready
with open("files/readyMessage.txt", "r") as readyFile:
readyMessage = readyFile.readline()
# Add constants to the client as a botvar
self.client.constants = constants.Live if "zandbak" not in readyMessage else constants.Zandbak
async def on_message(self, message):
Function called when someone sends a message the bot can see.
:param message: the discord.Message instance of the message
# Check if the server is locked, if so only allow me (to unlock) & Didier (to send the message) to talk
if self.client.locked \
and message.guild is not None \
and str(message.author.id) != constants.myId \
and str(message.author.id) != constants.didierId:
# Auto unlock when someone sends a message past the current time
if time.time() > self.client.lockedUntil:
return await self.unlock(message.channel)
return await self.utilsCog.removeMessage(message)
# If FreeGamesCheck failed, remove the message & send the user a DM
if not checks.freeGamesCheck(message):
await self.failedChecksCog.freeGames(message)
# Boos React to people that call him Dider
2020-11-03 15:09:22 +00:00
if "dider" in message.content.lower() and str(message.author.id) not in [constants.myId, constants.didierId, constants.coolerDidierId]:
await message.add_reaction("<:boos:629603785840263179>")
# Check for other easter eggs
eER = easterEggResponses.control(self.client, message)
if eER:
await message.channel.send(eER)
# Earn XP & Message count
2020-11-03 15:09:22 +00:00
async def on_command(self, ctx):
Function called whenever someone invokes a command.
Logs commands in your terminal.
:param ctx: Discord Context
DM = ctx.guild is None
print("{} in {}: {}".format(ctx.author.display_name,
"DM" if DM else "{} ({})".format(ctx.channel.name, ctx.guild.name),
async def on_command_error(self, ctx, err):
Function called when a command throws an error.
:param ctx: Discord Context
:param err: the error thrown
# Zandbak Didier shouldn't spam the error logs
if self.client.user.id == int(constants.coolerDidierId):
raise err
# Don't handle commands that have their own custom error handler
if hasattr(ctx.command, 'on_error'):
# Someone just mentioned Didier without calling a real command,
# don't care about this error
2020-11-13 09:27:50 +00:00
if isinstance(err, (commands.CommandNotFound, commands.CheckFailure, commands.TooManyArguments, commands.ExpectedClosingQuoteError), ):
# Someone used a command that was on cooldown
elif isinstance(err, commands.CommandOnCooldown):
await ctx.send("Je kan dit commando niet (meer) spammen.", delete_after=10)
# Someone forgot an argument or passed an invalid argument
elif isinstance(err, (commands.BadArgument, commands.MissingRequiredArgument)):
await ctx.send("Controleer je argumenten.")
# Remove the InvokeCommandError because it's useless information
x = traceback.format_exception(type(err), err, err.__traceback__)
errorString = ""
for line in x:
if "direct cause of the following" in line:
errorString += line.replace("*", "") + "\n" if line.strip() != "" else ""
await self.sendErrorEmbed(ctx, err, errorString)
async def on_raw_reaction_add(self, react):
Function called when someone adds a reaction to a message.
:param react: the RawReactionEvent associated with the reaction
# Ignore RPS adding reacts
if self.client.get_user(react.user_id).bot:
# Feature request
if str(react.emoji) == "":
await self.sendReactEmbed(react, "Feature Request")
# Bug report
elif str(react.emoji) == "🐛":
await self.sendReactEmbed(react, "Bug Report")
# Muttn react
elif str(react.emoji) == "<:Muttn:761551956346798111>":
await self.addMuttn(react)
async def on_raw_reaction_remove(self, react):
Function called when someone removes a reaction from a message.
:param react: the RawReactionEvent associated with the reaction
# Decrease Muttn counter
if str(react.emoji) == "<:Muttn:761551956346798111>":
await self.removeMuttn(react)
async def removeMuttn(self, react):
Function that decreases the Muttn counter for someone.
:param react: the RawReactionEvent associated with the reaction
# Get the Message instance of the message
channel = self.client.get_channel(react.channel_id)
message = await channel.fetch_message(react.message_id)
async def addMuttn(self, react):
Function that checks the Muttn counter for a message.
:param react: the RawReactionEvent associated with the reaction
count = -1
# Get the Message instance of the message
channel = self.client.get_channel(react.channel_id)
message = await channel.fetch_message(react.message_id)
# Get the amount of reacts on this message
for reaction in message.reactions:
if str(reaction.emoji) == "<:Muttn:761551956346798111>":
count = reaction.count
for user in await reaction.users().flatten():
# Remove bot reacts
if user.bot:
count -= 1
# React was removed in the milliseconds the fetch_message needs to get the info
if count <= 0:
# Update the db
muttn.muttn(message.author.id, count, message.id)
def reactCheck(self, react, msg):
Function that checks if feature requests/bug reports have been sent already.
:param react: the RawReactionEvent associated with the reaction
:param msg: the message this react was placed on
2020-11-15 10:20:40 +00:00
# # Blacklist NinjaJay after spamming
# if react.user_id in [153162010576551946]:
# return False
# Don't spam DM's when something has already been reported
# Check if the react's count is 1
for reaction in msg.reactions:
if reaction.emoji == react.emoji.name:
return reaction.count == 1
async def sendReactEmbed(self, react, messageType):
Function that sends a message in Zandbak with what's going on.
:param react: the RawReactionEvent associated with the reaction
:param messageType: the type of message to send
channel = self.client.get_channel(react.channel_id)
msg = await channel.fetch_message(react.message_id)
# Didn't pass the check, ignore it
if not self.reactCheck(react, msg):
typeChannels = {"Feature Request": int(constants.FeatureRequests), "Bug Report": int(constants.BugReports)}
# Add a 10 second cooldown to requests/reports to avoid spam
# even tho apparently the people don't care
if round(time.time()) - (
self.lastFeatureRequest if messageType == "Feature Request" else self.lastBugReport) < 10:
await channel.send("Je moet even wachten vooraleer je nog een {} maakt.".format(messageType.lower()))
await msg.add_reaction("🕐")
# Report on an empty message
elif msg.content == "":
await channel.send("Dit bericht bevat geen tekst.")
await msg.add_reaction("")
# Update the variables
if messageType == "Feature Request":
self.lastFeatureRequest = round(time.time())
self.lastBugReport = round(time.time())
# Ignore people reacting on Didier's messages
if str(msg.author.id) != constants.didierId:
# Get the user's User instance & the channel to send the message to
COC = self.client.get_guild(int(constants.CallOfCode))
user = COC.get_member(react.user_id)
targetChannel = self.client.get_channel(typeChannels[messageType])
await targetChannel.send("{} door **{}** in **#{}** ({}):\n``{}``\n{}".format(
channel.name if str(channel.type) != "private" else "DM",
channel.guild.name if str(channel.type) != "private" else "DM",
msg.content, msg.jump_url
await msg.add_reaction("")
async def on_message_edit(self, before, after):
Function called when a message is edited,
so people can't edit messages in FreeGames to cheat the system.
:param before: the message before it was edited
:param after: the message after it was edited
# Run the message through the checks again
if not checks.freeGamesCheck(after):
await self.failedChecksCog.freeGames(after)
async def sendErrorEmbed(self, ctx, error: Exception, trace):
Function that sends an error embed in #ErrorLogs.
:param ctx: Discord Context
:param error: the error thrown
:param trace: the stacktrace of the error
embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.red())
embed.add_field(name="Command:", value="{} in {}: {}".format(ctx.author.display_name,
ctx.channel.name if str(
ctx.channel.type) != "private" else "DM",
ctx.message.content), inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="Error:", value=str(error)[:1024], inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="Message:", value=str(trace)[:1024], inline=False)
# Add remaining parts in extra fields
# (embed field limits)
if len(str(trace)) < 5500:
trace_split = [str(trace)[i:i + 1024] for i in range(1024, len(str(trace)), 1024)]
for spl in trace_split:
embed.add_field(name="\u200b", value=spl, inline=False)
errorChannel = self.client.get_channel(762668505455132722)
await errorChannel.send(embed=embed)
async def lock(self, ctx, until=None):
Command that locks the server during online exams.
:param ctx: Discord Context
:param until: the timestamp until which to lock (HH:MM)
# No timestamp passed
if until is None:
until = until.split(":")
# Create timestamps
now = datetime.datetime.now()
untilTimestamp = time.time()
# Gets the current amount of minutes into the day
nowMinuteCount = (now.hour * 60) + now.minute
# Gets the target amount of minutes into the day
untilMinuteCount = (int(until[0]) * 60) + int(until[1])
# Adds the remaining seconds onto the current time to calculate the end of the lock
untilTimestamp += (60 * (untilMinuteCount - nowMinuteCount)) - now.second
self.client.locked = True
self.client.lockedUntil = round(untilTimestamp)
await ctx.send("De server wordt gelocked tot **{}**.".format(
async def unlock(self, ctx):
Command to unlock the server manually before the timer is over.
:param ctx: Discord Context
self.client.locked = False
self.client.lockedUntil = -1
await ctx.send("De server is niet langer gelocked.")
def setup(client):