Help messages for Fun

stijndcl 2022-09-19 17:42:51 +02:00
parent 5cdb6c3f44
commit 7035f0773f
3 changed files with 33 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ class Currency(commands.Cog):
async def invest(self, ctx: commands.Context, amount: typing.Annotated[typing.Union[str, int], abbreviated_number]):
"""Invest `amount` Didier Dinks into your bank.
The `amount`-parameter can take both raw numbers, and abbreviations of big numbers. Passing `all` as the
value will invest all of your Didier Dinks.
The `amount`-argument can take both raw numbers, and abbreviations of big numbers. Additionally, passing
`all` as the value will invest all of your Didier Dinks.
Example usage:

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class Discord(commands.Cog):
async def birthday_set(self, ctx: commands.Context, day: str):
"""Set your birthday to `day`.
Parsing of the `day`-parameter happens in the following order: `DD/MM/YYYY`, `DD/MM/YY`, `DD/MM`.
Parsing of the `day`-argument happens in the following order: `DD/MM/YYYY`, `DD/MM/YY`, `DD/MM`.
Other formats will not be accepted.
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class Discord(commands.Cog):
"""Create a new bookmark for message `message` with label `label`.
Instead of the link to a message, you can also reply to the message you wish to bookmark. In this case,
the `message`-parameter can be left out.
the `message`-argument can be left out.
`label` can not be names (or aliases) of subcommands.
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ class Discord(commands.Cog):
"""Pin `message` in the current channel.
Instead of the link to a message, you can also reply to the message you wish to pin. In this case,
the `message`-parameter can be left out.
the `message`-argument can be left out.
# If no message was passed, allow replying to the message that should be pinned
if message is None and ctx.message.reference is not None:

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class Fun(commands.Cog):
client: Didier
# Slash groups
memes_slash = app_commands.Group(name="meme", description="Commands to generate memes", guild_only=False)
memes_slash = app_commands.Group(name="meme", description="Commands to generate memes.", guild_only=False)
def __init__(self, client: Didier):
self.client = client
@ -32,56 +32,61 @@ class Fun(commands.Cog):
aliases=["dad", "dj"],
description="Why does Yoda's code always crash? Because there is no try.",
async def dad_joke(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Get a random dad joke"""
"""Why does Yoda's code always crash? Because there is no try."""
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
joke = await get_random_dad_joke(session)
return await ctx.reply(joke.joke, mention_author=False)"memegen", aliases=["meme", "memes"], invoke_without_command=True, case_insensitive=True)
async def memegen_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context, meme_name: str, *, fields: str):
"""Command group for meme-related commands"""
async def memegen_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context, template: str, *, fields: str):
"""Generate a meme with template `template` and fields `fields`.
The arguments are parsed based on spaces. Arguments that contain spaces should be wrapped in "quotes".
Example: `memegen a b c d` will be parsed as `template: "a"`, `fields: ["b", "c", "d"]`
Example: `memegen "a b" "c d"` will be parsed as `template: "a b"`, `fields: ["c d"]`
async with ctx.typing():
meme = await self._do_generate_meme(meme_name, shlex.split(fields))
meme = await self._do_generate_meme(template, shlex.split(fields))
return await ctx.reply(meme, mention_author=False)
@memegen_msg.command(name="preview", aliases=["p"])
async def memegen_preview_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context, meme_name: str):
"""Generate a preview for a meme, to see how the fields are structured"""
async def memegen_preview_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context, template: str):
"""Generate a preview for the meme template `template`, to see how the fields are structured."""
async with ctx.typing():
fields = [f"Field #{i + 1}" for i in range(20)]
meme = await self._do_generate_meme(meme_name, fields)
meme = await self._do_generate_meme(template, fields)
return await ctx.reply(meme, mention_author=False)
@memes_slash.command(name="generate", description="Generate a meme")
async def memegen_slash(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, meme: str):
"""Slash command to generate a meme"""
async def memegen_slash(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, template: str):
"""Generate a meme with template `template`."""
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
result = expect(await get_meme_by_name(session, meme), entity_type="meme", argument=meme)
result = expect(await get_meme_by_name(session, template), entity_type="meme", argument=template)
modal = GenerateMeme(self.client, result)
await interaction.response.send_modal(modal)
name="preview", description="Generate a preview for a meme, to see how the fields are structured"
async def memegen_preview_slash(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, meme: str):
"""Slash command to generate a meme preview"""
@app_commands.describe(template="The meme template to use in the preview.")
async def memegen_preview_slash(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, template: str):
"""Generate a preview for a meme, to see how the fields are structured."""
await interaction.response.defer()
fields = [f"Field #{i + 1}" for i in range(20)]
meme_url = await self._do_generate_meme(meme, fields)
meme_url = await self._do_generate_meme(template, fields)
await interaction.followup.send(meme_url, ephemeral=True)
async def _memegen_slash_autocomplete_meme(
async def _memegen_slash_autocomplete_template(
self, _: discord.Interaction, current: str
) -> list[app_commands.Choice[str]]:
"""Autocompletion for the 'meme'-parameter"""
"""Autocompletion for the 'template'-parameter"""
return self.client.database_caches.memes.get_autocomplete_suggestions(current)