mirror of https://github.com/stijndcl/didier
Custom commands cleanup, remove train for my own sanity
@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ from data.menus import custom_commands
from data.snipe import Action, Snipe
from decorators import help
from enums.help_categories import Category
from functions.database.custom_commands import get_all
from functions.stringFormatters import capitalize
from startup.didier import Didier
@ -14,10 +12,9 @@ class Other(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, client: Didier):
self.client: Didier = client
# TODO add locked field to Didier instead of client
# # Don't allow any commands to work when locked
# def cog_check(self, ctx):
# return not self.client.locked
# Don't allow any commands to work when locked
def cog_check(self, _):
return not self.client.locked
@ -25,10 +22,7 @@ class Other(commands.Cog):
Get a list of all custom commands
all_commands = get_all()
formatted = list(sorted(map(lambda x: capitalize(x["name"]), all_commands)))
src = custom_commands.CommandsList(formatted)
await custom_commands.Pages(source=src, clear_reactions_after=True).start(ctx)
await custom_commands.CommandsList(ctx).send()
@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
from data.menus import leaderboards
from decorators import help
import discord
from discord.ext import commands, menus
from enums.help_categories import Category
from functions import checks, timeFormatters
import requests
class Train(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
# Don't allow any commands to work when locked
def cog_check(self, ctx):
return not self.client.locked
@commands.command(name="Train", aliases=["Trein"], usage="[Vertrek]* [Bestemming]")
async def train(self, ctx, *args):
if not args or len(args) > 2:
await ctx.send("Controleer je argumenten.")
destination = args[-1]
departure = args[0] if len(args) > 1 else "Gent Sint-Pieters"
req = requests.get(
if "error" in req:
embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.red())
embed.set_author(name="Treinen van {} naar {}".format(
self.formatCity(departure), self.formatCity(destination)))
embed.add_field(name="Error", value="Er ging iets fout, probeer het later opnieuw.", inline=False)
await self.sendEmbed(ctx, embed)
pages = paginated_leaderboard.Pages(source=TrainPagination(self.formatConnections(req["connection"]),
await pages.start(ctx)
def formatConnections(self, connections):
response = []
for connection in sorted(connections, key=lambda con: con["departure"]["time"]):
conn = {}
if connection["departure"]["canceled"] != "0" or connection["arrival"]["canceled"] != "0":
conn = {"Canceled": "Afgeschaft"}
dep = connection["departure"]
arr = connection["arrival"]
conn["depStation"] = self.formatCity(dep["station"])
conn["depTime"] = self.formatTime(dep["time"])
conn["delay"] = self.formatDelay(dep["delay"])
conn["track"] = dep["platform"]
conn["arrStation"] = self.formatCity(arr["station"])
conn["direction"] = self.formatCity(dep["direction"]["name"])
conn["arrTime"] = self.formatTime(arr["time"])
conn["duration"] = self.formatTime(connection["duration"])
return response
def formatTime(self, timestamp):
if int(timestamp) <= 86400:
minutes = int(timestamp) // 60
if minutes < 60:
return str(minutes) + "m"
return "{}h{:02}m".format(minutes // 60, minutes % 60)
return timeFormatters.epochToDate(int(timestamp), "%H:%M")["date"]
def formatDelay(self, seconds):
seconds = int(seconds)
return self.sign(seconds) + self.formatTime(abs(seconds)) if seconds != 0 else ""
def sign(self, number):
return "-" if int(number) < 0 else "+"
def formatCity(self, city):
city = city[0].upper() + city[1:]
arr = []
for i, letter in enumerate(city):
if (i > 0 and (city[i - 1] == " " or city[i - 1] == "-")) or i == 0:
return "".join(arr)
async def sendEmbed(self, ctx, embed):
if await checks.allowedChannels(ctx):
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
await ctx.author.send(embed=embed)
class TrainPagination(menus.ListPageSource):
def __init__(self, data, departure, destination):
super().__init__(data, per_page=3)
self.departure = departure
self.destination = destination
async def format_page(self, menu: menus.MenuPages, entries):
offset = menu.current_page * self.per_page
embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.blue())
embed.set_author(name="Treinen van {} naar {}".format(self.departure, self.destination))
embed.set_footer(text="{}/{}".format(menu.current_page + 1, self.get_max_pages()))
for i, connection in enumerate(entries, start=offset):
afgeschaft = "Canceled" in connection
embed.add_field(name="Van", value=str(connection["depStation"]), inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="Om", value=str(connection["depTime"]), inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="Spoor", value=str(connection["track"]), inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="Richting", value=str(connection["direction"]), inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="Aankomst", value=(str(connection["arrTime"])
if not afgeschaft else "**AFGESCHAFT**"), inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="Vertraging", value=str(connection["delay"]) if connection["delay"] != "" else "0",
# White space
if i - offset < 2:
embed.add_field(name="\u200b", value="\u200b", inline=False)
return embed
def setup(client):
@ -1,22 +1,18 @@
import discord
from discord.ext import menus
from typing import Union
from discord import ApplicationContext
from discord.ext.commands import Context
from data.menus.paginated import Paginated
from functions.database.custom_commands import get_all
from functions.stringFormatters import capitalize
# TODO rework pagination
class CommandsList(menus.ListPageSource):
def __init__(self, data, colour=discord.Colour.blue()):
super().__init__(data, per_page=15)
self.colour = colour
class CommandsList(Paginated):
def __init__(self, ctx: Union[ApplicationContext, Context]):
all_commands = get_all()
commands_sorted = list(sorted(map(lambda x: (capitalize(x["name"]),), all_commands)))
super().__init__(ctx=ctx, title="Custom Commands", data=commands_sorted, per_page=15)
async def format_page(self, menu: menus.MenuPages, entries):
embed = discord.Embed(colour=self.colour)
embed.set_author(name="Custom Commands")
embed.description = "\n".join(entries)
embed.set_footer(text="{}/{}".format(menu.current_page + 1, self.get_max_pages()))
return embed
class Pages(menus.MenuPages):
def __init__(self, source, clear_reactions_after, timeout=30.0):
super().__init__(source, timeout=timeout, delete_message_after=True, clear_reactions_after=clear_reactions_after)
def format_entry(self, index: int, value: tuple) -> str:
return value[0]
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ from typing import Union, Optional
import discord
import requests
from discord import ApplicationContext
from discord.ext import menus
from discord.ext.commands import Context
from data.menus.paginated import Paginated
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ class Leaderboard(Paginated, ABC):
def empty_description(self) -> str:
return ""
async def empty_leaderboard(self, ctx: Union[ApplicationContext, Context]):
async def empty_leaderboard(self, ctx: Union[ApplicationContext, Context], **kwargs):
embed = discord.Embed(colour=self.colour)
embed.description = self.empty_description
@ -88,19 +87,19 @@ class Leaderboard(Paginated, ABC):
if isinstance(ctx, ApplicationContext):
return await ctx.respond(embed=embed)
return await ctx.reply(embed=embed, mention_author=False)
return await ctx.reply(embed=embed, **kwargs)
async def respond(self, **kwargs) -> discord.Message:
if self.data is None:
return await self.empty_leaderboard(self.ctx)
return await self.empty_leaderboard(self.ctx, **kwargs)
return await super().respond(**kwargs)
async def send(self, **kwargs) -> discord.Message:
if self.data is None:
return await self.empty_leaderboard(self.ctx)
return await self.empty_leaderboard(self.ctx, mention_author=False, **kwargs)
return await super().send(**kwargs)
return await super().send(mention_author=False, **kwargs)
@ -245,31 +244,3 @@ class XPLeaderboard(Leaderboard):
def format_entry_data(self, data: tuple) -> str:
entry = data[2]
return f"Level {xp.calculate_level(entry):,} | {entry:,} XP"
class Source(menus.ListPageSource):
def __init__(self, data, name, colour=discord.Colour.blue()):
super().__init__(data, per_page=10)
self.name = name
self.colour = colour
async def format_page(self, menu: menus.MenuPages, entries):
offset = menu.current_page * self.per_page
description = ""
for i, v in enumerate(entries, start=offset):
# Check if the person's name has to be highlighted
if v.startswith("**") and v.endswith("**"):
description += "**"
v = v[2:]
description += "{}: {}\n".format(i + 1, v)
embed = discord.Embed(colour=self.colour)
embed.description = description
embed.set_footer(text="{}/{}".format(menu.current_page + 1, self.get_max_pages()))
return embed
class Pages(menus.MenuPages):
def __init__(self, source, clear_reactions_after, timeout=30.0):
super().__init__(source, timeout=timeout, delete_message_after=True, clear_reactions_after=clear_reactions_after)
Reference in New Issue