mirror of https://github.com/stijndcl/didier
Create command to list custom commands, add shortcuts to memegen commands
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ __all__ = [
@ -55,6 +56,12 @@ async def create_alias(session: AsyncSession, command: str, alias: str) -> Custo
return alias_instance
async def get_all_commands(session: AsyncSession) -> list[CustomCommand]:
"""Get a list of all commands"""
statement = select(CustomCommand)
return (await session.execute(statement)).scalars().all()
async def get_command(session: AsyncSession, message: str) -> Optional[CustomCommand]:
"""Try to get a command out of a message"""
# Search lowercase & without spaces
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ from database.exceptions import (
from didier import Didier
from didier.exceptions import expect
from didier.menus.bookmarks import BookmarkSource
from didier.menus.common import Menu
from didier.utils.discord import colours
from didier.utils.discord.assets import get_author_avatar, get_user_avatar
from didier.utils.discord.constants import Limits
@ -186,9 +185,7 @@ class Discord(commands.Cog):
embed.description = "You haven't created any bookmarks yet."
return await ctx.reply(embed=embed, mention_author=False)
source = BookmarkSource(ctx, results)
menu = Menu(source)
await menu.start(ctx)
await BookmarkSource(ctx, results).start()
async def _bookmark_ctx(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, message: discord.Message):
"""Create a bookmark out of this message"""
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import shlex
from typing import Optional
import discord
from discord import app_commands
@ -9,7 +10,6 @@ from database.crud.memes import get_all_memes, get_meme_by_name
from didier import Didier
from didier.data.apis.imgflip import generate_meme
from didier.exceptions.no_match import expect
from didier.menus.common import Menu
from didier.menus.memes import MemeSource
from didier.views.modals import GenerateMeme
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Fun(commands.Cog):
return await ctx.reply(joke.joke, mention_author=False)
@commands.group(name="memegen", aliases=["meme", "memes"], invoke_without_command=True, case_insensitive=True)
async def memegen_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context, template: str, *, fields: str):
async def memegen_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context, template: Optional[str] = None, *, fields: Optional[str] = None):
"""Generate a meme with template `template` and fields `fields`.
The arguments are parsed based on spaces. Arguments that contain spaces should be wrapped in "quotes".
@ -55,7 +55,17 @@ class Fun(commands.Cog):
Example: if template `a` only has 1 field,
`memegen a b c d` will be parsed as `template: "a"`, `fields: ["bcd"]`
When no arguments are provided, this is a shortcut to `memegen list`.
When only a template is provided, this is a shortcut to `memegen preview`.
if template is None:
return await self.memegen_ls_msg(ctx)
if fields is None:
return await self.memegen_preview_msg(ctx, template)
async with ctx.typing():
meme = await self._do_generate_meme(template, shlex.split(fields))
return await ctx.reply(meme, mention_author=False)
@ -69,9 +79,7 @@ class Fun(commands.Cog):
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
results = await get_all_memes(session)
source = MemeSource(ctx, results)
menu = Menu(source)
await menu.start(ctx)
await MemeSource(ctx, results).start()
@memegen_msg.command(name="preview", aliases=["p"])
async def memegen_preview_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context, template: str):
@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ from typing import Optional
from discord.ext import commands
from database.crud.custom_commands import get_all_commands
from database.crud.reminders import toggle_reminder
from database.enums import ReminderCategory
from didier import Didier
from didier.menus.custom_commands import CustomCommandSource
class Meta(commands.Cog):
@ -17,6 +19,15 @@ class Meta(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, client: Didier):
self.client = client
async def custom(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Get a list of all custom commands that are registered."""
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
custom_commands = await get_all_commands(session)
custom_commands.sort(key=lambda c: c.name.lower())
await CustomCommandSource(ctx, custom_commands).start()
async def marco(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Get Didier's latency."""
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from overrides import overrides
from database.schemas import Bookmark
@ -14,16 +13,16 @@ class BookmarkSource(PageSource[Bookmark]):
"""PageSource for the Bookmark commands"""
def create_embeds(self, ctx: commands.Context):
def create_embeds(self):
for page in range(self.page_count):
embed = discord.Embed(title="Bookmarks", colour=discord.Colour.blue())
avatar_url = get_author_avatar(ctx).url
embed.set_author(name=ctx.author.display_name, icon_url=avatar_url)
avatar_url = get_author_avatar(self.ctx).url
embed.set_author(name=self.ctx.author.display_name, icon_url=avatar_url)
description = ""
description_data = []
for bookmark in self.get_page_data(page):
description += f"`#{bookmark.bookmark_id}`: [{bookmark.label}]({bookmark.jump_url})\n"
description_data.append(f"`#{bookmark.bookmark_id}`: [{bookmark.label}]({bookmark.jump_url})")
embed.description = description.strip()
embed.description = "\n".join(description_data)
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Generic, Optional, TypeVar, cast
@ -13,50 +15,6 @@ __all__ = ["Menu", "PageSource"]
T = TypeVar("T")
class PageSource(ABC, Generic[T]):
"""Base class that handles the embeds displayed in a menu"""
dataset: list[T]
embeds: list[discord.Embed]
page_count: int
per_page: int
def __init__(self, ctx: commands.Context, dataset: list[T], *, per_page: int = 10):
self.embeds = []
self.dataset = dataset
self.per_page = per_page
self.page_count = self._get_page_count()
def _get_page_count(self) -> int:
"""Calculate the amount of pages required"""
if len(self.dataset) % self.per_page == 0:
return len(self.dataset) // self.per_page
return (len(self.dataset) // self.per_page) + 1
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> discord.Embed:
return self.embeds[index]
def __len__(self):
return self.page_count
def _add_embed_page_footers(self):
"""Add the current page in the footer of every embed"""
for i, embed in enumerate(self.embeds):
embed.set_footer(text=f"{i + 1}/{self.page_count}")
def create_embeds(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Method that builds the list of embeds from the input data"""
raise NotImplementedError
def get_page_data(self, page: int) -> list[T]:
"""Get the chunk of the dataset for page [page]"""
return self.dataset[page : page + self.per_page]
class Menu(discord.ui.View):
"""Base class for a menu"""
@ -166,3 +124,58 @@ class Menu(discord.ui.View):
"""Button to show the last page"""
self.current_page = len(self.source) - 1
await self.display_current_state(interaction)
class PageSource(ABC, Generic[T]):
"""Base class that handles the embeds displayed in a menu"""
ctx: commands.Context
dataset: list[T]
embeds: list[discord.Embed]
page_count: int
per_page: int
def __init__(self, ctx: commands.Context, dataset: list[T], *, per_page: int = 10):
self.ctx = ctx
self.embeds = []
self.dataset = dataset
self.per_page = per_page
self.page_count = self._get_page_count()
def _get_page_count(self) -> int:
"""Calculate the amount of pages required"""
if len(self.dataset) % self.per_page == 0:
return len(self.dataset) // self.per_page
return (len(self.dataset) // self.per_page) + 1
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> discord.Embed:
return self.embeds[index]
def __len__(self):
return self.page_count
def _add_embed_page_footers(self):
"""Add the current page in the footer of every embed"""
for i, embed in enumerate(self.embeds):
embed.set_footer(text=f"{i + 1}/{self.page_count}")
def create_embeds(self):
"""Method that builds the list of embeds from the input data"""
raise NotImplementedError
def get_page_data(self, page: int) -> list[T]:
"""Get the chunk of the dataset for page [page]"""
return self.dataset[page : page + self.per_page]
async def start(self, *, ephemeral: bool = False, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> Menu:
"""Shortcut to creating (and starting) a Menu with this source
This returns the created menu
menu = Menu(self, ephemeral=ephemeral, timeout=timeout)
await menu.start(self.ctx)
return menu
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import discord
from overrides import overrides
from database.schemas import CustomCommand
from didier.menus.common import PageSource
__all__ = ["CustomCommandSource"]
class CustomCommandSource(PageSource[CustomCommand]):
"""PageSource for custom commands"""
def create_embeds(self):
for page in range(self.page_count):
embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.blue(), title="Custom Commands")
description_data = []
for command in self.get_page_data(page):
embed.description = "\n".join(description_data)
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from overrides import overrides
from database.schemas import MemeTemplate
@ -12,7 +11,7 @@ class MemeSource(PageSource[MemeTemplate]):
"""PageSource for meme templates"""
def create_embeds(self, ctx: commands.Context):
def create_embeds(self):
for page in range(self.page_count):
# The colour of the embed is (69,4,20) with the values +100 because they were too dark
embed = discord.Embed(title="Meme Templates", colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(169, 14, 120))
Reference in New Issue