from decorators import help from discord.ext import commands from enums.help_categories import Category from functions import checks import itertools import random class Minesweeper(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client # Don't allow any commands to work when locked def cog_check(self, ctx): return not self.client.locked @commands.command(name="Minesweeper", aliases=["Ms"], usage="[Niveau]*") @commands.check(checks.allowedChannels) @help.Category(category=Category.Games) async def minesweeper(self, ctx, difficulty="m"): if difficulty[0].lower() not in "emh": await ctx.send("Geef een geldige moeilijkheidsgraad op.") return await ctx.send(self.createGame(difficulty[0].lower())) def createGame(self, difficutly): # [X, Y, BombCount] dimensions = { "e": [5, 5, 4], "m": [10, 10, 20], "h": [13, 8, 35] } numbers = { 0: "||:zero:||", 1: "||:one:||", 2: "||:two:||", 3: "||:three:||", 4: "||:four:||", 5: "||:five:||", 6: "||:six:||", 7: "||:seven:||", 8: "||:eight:||", } # Initialize an empty grid grid = [[" " for _ in range(dimensions[difficutly][0])] for _ in range(dimensions[difficutly][1])] # Generate every possible position on the grid positions = set(itertools.product([x for x in range(len(grid))], repeat=2)) # Place the bombs in the grid randomly for i in range(dimensions[difficutly][2]): bombPosition = random.choice(list(positions)) positions.remove(bombPosition) grid[bombPosition[0]][bombPosition[1]] = "||:boom:||" # Add in the numbers representing the amount of bombs nearby for i, row in enumerate(grid): for j, cell in enumerate(row): if cell == " ": grid[i][j] = numbers[self.countBombs(grid, [i, j])] # Reveal the biggest empty space to the player self.revealSpaces(grid, self.findBiggestEmptySpace(grid)) # Join the grid into a string li = [" ".join(row) for row in grid] print("\n".join(li)) return "\n".join(li) # Counts the amount of bombs near a given cell def countBombs(self, grid, cell): positions = [ [1, -1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, -1], [0, 1], [-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1] ] count = 0 for position in positions: if 0 <= cell[0] + position[0] < len(grid) and 0 <= cell[1] + position[1] < len(grid[0]): if "boom" in grid[cell[0] + position[0]][cell[1] + position[1]]: count += 1 return count # Finds the biggest spot of 0's on the grid to reveal at the start def findBiggestEmptySpace(self, grid): spaces = [] biggest = [] # Floodfill for i, row in enumerate(grid): for j, cell in enumerate(row): # Only check cells that aren't part of a space yet if not any(cell in space for space in spaces) and "zero" in cell: li = [[i, j]] changed = True while changed: changed = False for added in li: neighb = self.neighbours(grid, added) # Add all neighbours that have not yet been added to this space for neighbour in neighb: if neighbour not in li: li.append(neighbour) changed = True spaces.append(li) # If it's bigger than the current biggest, make it the new biggest if len(li) > len(biggest): biggest = li return biggest # Returns all neighbouring cells containing a 0 def neighbours(self, grid, cell): positions = [ [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1], [-1, 0] ] neighb = [] for position in positions: if 0 <= cell[0] + position[0] < len(grid) and 0 <= cell[1] + position[1] < len(grid[0]): if "zero" in grid[cell[0] + position[0]][cell[1] + position[1]]: neighb.append([cell[0] + position[0], cell[1] + position[1]]) return neighb # Take away the spoiler marks from the biggest empty space to help the player start def revealSpaces(self, grid, emptySpaces): positions = [ [1, -1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, -1], [0, 1], [-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1] ] for space in emptySpaces: grid[space[0]][space[1]] = ":zero:" # Reveal all spaces around this one for position in positions: # Check if the space is not zero & is contained inside the grid & the space hasn't been cut before if 0 <= space[0] + position[0] < len(grid) and \ 0 <= space[1] + position[1] < len(grid[0]) and \ "zero" not in grid[space[0] + position[0]][space[1] + position[1]] and \ "||" in grid[space[0] + position[0]][space[1] + position[1]]: # Cut the spoiler from this cell grid[space[0] + position[0]][space[1] + position[1]] = grid[space[0] + position[0]][ space[1] + position[1]][2:-2] def setup(client): client.add_cog(Minesweeper(client))