import re

from data.embeds import UforaNotification
import feedparser
import json
from settings import UFORA_TOKEN

course_urls = {
    "Algoritmen en Datastructuren 3": "",
    "Artificiële Intelligentie": "",
    "Automaten, Berekenbaarheid en Complexiteit": "",
    "Besturingssystemen": "",
    "Communicatienetwerken": "",
    "Computationele Biologie": "",
    "Computerarchitectuur": "",
    "Informatiebeveiliging": "",
    "Inleiding tot Telecommunicatie": "",
    "Logisch Programmeren": "",
    "Modelleren en Simuleren": "",
    "Parallelle Computersystemen": "",
    "Software Engineering Lab 2": "",
    "Statistiek en Probabiliteit": "",
    "Wetenschappelijk Rekenen": "",
    "Wiskundige Modellering": ""

def run():
    Check for new notifications
    # List of new notifications
    new_notifications = []

    # List of old notifications
    with open("files/ufora_notifications.json", "r") as fp:
        notifications = json.load(fp)

    for course, url in course_urls.items():
        # Automatically append new/missing courses
        if course not in notifications:
            notifications[course] = []

        # Get the updated feed
        feed = feedparser.parse(f"{url}{UFORA_TOKEN}")

        # Filter out old notifications
        feed = list(filter(lambda f: _parse_ids(f["id"])[0] not in notifications[course], feed.entries))

        if feed:
            for item in feed:
                notif_id, course_id = _parse_ids(item["id"])
                new_notifications.append(UforaNotification(item, course, notif_id, course_id))


    # Update list of notifications
    if new_notifications:
        with open("files/ufora_notifications.json", "w") as fp:
            json.dump(notifications, fp)

    return new_notifications

def _parse_ids(url: str):
    match ="[0-9]+-[0-9]+$", url)

    if not match:
        return None, None

    spl = match[0].split("-")

    return spl[0], spl[1]