from data import constants import datetime from decorators import help import discord from discord.ext import commands from enums.help_categories import Category from functions import timeFormatters, stringFormatters from functions.database import birthdays class Birthdays(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client # Don't allow any commands to work when locked def cog_check(self, ctx): return not self.client.locked"Birthday", aliases=["Bd", "Birthdays"], case_insensitive=True, invoke_without_command=True) @help.Category(Category.Other) async def birthday(self, ctx, member: discord.Member = None): """ Command to check the birthday of yourself/another person. :param ctx: Discord Context :param member: The member to check """ if member is not None: # A member was tagged nameStr = "**{}**'s".format(member.display_name) res = birthdays.get_user( else: # No member passed -> check the user's birthday nameStr = "Jouw" res = birthdays.get_user( if not res: # Nothing found in the db for this member return await ctx.send("{} verjaardag zit nog niet in de database.".format(nameStr)) # Create a datetime object of the upcoming birthday, # and a formatted string displaying the date dayDatetime, timeString = self.dmToDatetime(res[0][0], res[0][1]) # Find the weekday related to this day weekday = timeFormatters.intToWeekday(dayDatetime.weekday()).lower() return await ctx.send("{} verjaardag staat ingesteld op **{} {}**.".format( nameStr, weekday, timeString )) @birthday.command(name="Today", aliases=["Now"]) async def today(self, ctx): """ Command that lists all birthdays of the day. :param ctx: Discord Context """ # Create a datetime object for today dt = timeFormatters.dateTimeNow() await ctx.send(self.getBirthdayOnDate(dt)) @birthday.command(name="Tomorrow", aliases=["Tm", "Tmw"]) async def tomorrow(self, ctx): """ Command that lists all birthdays of tomorrow. :param ctx: Discord Context """ # Create a datetime object for tomorrow dt = timeFormatters.dateTimeNow() + datetime.timedelta(days=1) await ctx.send(self.getBirthdayOnDate(dt).replace("Vandaag", "Morgen").replace("vandaag", "morgen")) @birthday.command(name="Week") async def week(self, ctx): """ Command that lists all birthdays for the coming week. :param ctx: Discord Context """ # Dict of all birthdays this week this_week = {} # Create a datetime object starting yesterday so the first line # of the loop can add a day every time, # as premature returning would prevent this from happening # & get the day stuck dt = timeFormatters.dateTimeNow() - datetime.timedelta(days=1) # Create an embed embed = discord.Embed( embed.set_author(name="Verjaardagen deze week") # Add all people of the coming week for dayCounter in range(7): dt += datetime.timedelta(days=1) res = birthdays.get_users_on_date(, dt.month) # No birthdays on this day if not res: continue # Add everyone from this day into the dict this_week[str(dayCounter)] = {"day":, "month": dt.month, "users": []} for user in res: this_week[str(dayCounter)]["users"].append(user[0]) # No one found if not this_week: embed.description = "Deze week is er niemand jarig." return await ctx.send(embed=embed) COC = self.client.get_guild(int(constants.CallOfCode)) # For every day, add the list of users into the embed for day, value in this_week.items(): dayDatetime, timeString = self.dmToDatetime(int(value["day"]), int(value["month"])) weekday = timeFormatters.intToWeekday(dayDatetime.weekday()) embed.add_field(name="{} {}".format(weekday, timeString), value=", ".join(COC.get_member(user).mention for user in value["users"]), inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=embed) def getBirthdayOnDate(self, dt): """ Function to get all birthdays on a certain date. Returns a string right away to avoid more code duplication. :param dt: the date (Python datetime instance) :return: A formatted string containing all birthdays on [dt] """ res = birthdays.get_users_on_date(, dt.month) # Nobody's birthday if not res: return "Vandaag is er niemand jarig." COC = self.client.get_guild(int(constants.CallOfCode)) # Create a list of member objects of the people that have a birthday on this date people = [COC.get_member(int(user[0])) for user in res] if len(people) == 1: return "Vandaag is **{}** jarig.".format(people[0].display_name) return "Vandaag zijn {} en {} jarig.".format( ", ".join("**" + user.display_name + "**" for user in people[:-1]), people[-1].display_name ) def dmToDatetime(self, day, month): """ Converts a day + month to a datetime instance. :param day: the day in the date :param month: the month in the date :return: a datetime instance representing the next time this date occurs, and a formatted string for this date """ now = timeFormatters.dateTimeNow() year = now.year # Add an extra year to the date in case it has already passed if month < now.month or (month == now.month and day < year += 1 # Create a datetime object for this birthday timeString = "{}/{}/{}".format( stringFormatters.leading_zero(str(day)), stringFormatters.leading_zero(str(month)), year ) dayDatetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(timeString, "%d/%m/%Y") return dayDatetime, timeString @birthday.command(name="Set", usage="[DD/MM/YYYY]") async def set(self, ctx, date=None, member: discord.Member = None): """ Command to add your birthday into the database. :param ctx: Discord Context :param date: the date of your birthday :param member: another member whose birthday has to be added/changed """ # No date passed if date is None: return await ctx.send("Geef een datum op.") # Invalid format used if date.count("/") != 2: return await ctx.send("Ongeldig formaat (gebruik DD/MM/YYYY).") # Check if anything is wrong with the date try: day = int(date.split("/")[0]) month = int(date.split("/")[1]) year = int(date.split("/")[2]) # This is not used, but creating an invalid datetime object throws a ValueError # so it prevents invalid dates like 69/420/360 dt = datetime.datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day) # Assume no one in the Discord is more than 5 years younger, or 10 years older # (which are also virtually impossible, but just to be sure) if year >= timeFormatters.dateTimeNow().year - 15 or year < 1990: raise ValueError except ValueError: return await ctx.send("Dit is geen geldige datum.") # A member was tagged, check if I did it if member is not None: if str( != str(constants.myId): return await ctx.send("Je kan andere mensen hun verjaardag niet instellen, {}.".format( else: birthdays.add_user(, day, month, year) return await ctx.message.add_reaction("✅") # Birthday is already added if birthdays.get_user( and str( != constants.myId: return await ctx.send("Je verjaardag zit al in de database.") # Add into the db birthdays.add_user(, day, month, year) return await ctx.send("Je verjaardag is toegevoegd aan de database.") def setup(client): client.add_cog(Birthdays(client))