import datetime from decorators import help import discord from discord.ext import commands from enums.help_categories import Category from functions import checks import requests import time class Release(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client # Don't allow any commands to work when locked def cog_check(self, ctx): return not self.client.locked # Gets upcoming game releases"Releases", usage="[Pagina]*", case_insensitive=True, invoke_without_command=True) @commands.check(checks.allowedChannels) @help.Category(category=Category.Games) async def releases(self, ctx, page="1"): for char in page: if not char.isdigit(): await ctx.send("Geef een geldige pagina op.") return dates = self.getDates() resp = requests.get("{},{}&page_size=25&page={}&ordering=released".format( dates[0], dates[1], page )).json() try: embed = discord.Embed( embed.set_author(name="Volgende Game Releases | Pagina {}".format(page)) embed.description = "\n".join( ["{} (#{}): {}".format(result["name"], result["id"], self.rewriteDate(result["released"])) for result in resp["results"]]) embed.set_footer(text="Voor gedetailleerde info: Didier Game Info [id]") except KeyError: embed = discord.Embed( embed.set_author(name="Game Releases") embed.add_field(name="Error", value="Er ging iets fout.") await ctx.send(embed=embed) def getDates(self): today = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) nextMonth = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time() + 2629743) return ["-".join([str(today.year), self.leadingZero(str(today.month)), self.leadingZero(str(]), "-".join([str(nextMonth.year), self.leadingZero(str(nextMonth.month)), self.leadingZero(str(])] def leadingZero(self, num): return num if len(num) == 2 else "0" + num # Shows more detailed information for a game @releases.command(name="Info", aliases=["Details"], usage="[Game Id]") async def info(self, ctx, *, game_id): game_id = self.create_slug(game_id) resp = requests.get("{}".format(str(game_id))).json() if "redirect" in resp: resp = requests.get("{}".format(resp["slug"])).json() if "Not found." in resp.values(): embed = discord.Embed( embed.set_author(name="Game Info") embed.description = "Er is geen game gevonden met deze id of naam." else: embed = discord.Embed( embed.set_author(name="Game Info") embed.add_field(name="Naam", value=resp["name"]) embed.add_field(name="Id", value=resp["id"]) embed.add_field(name="Datum", value="TBA" if resp["tba"] else self.rewriteDate(resp["released"])) embed.add_field(name="Platforms", value=", ".join(self.getPlatforms(resp))) embed.add_field(name="Stores", value=", ".join(self.getStores(resp))) embed.add_field(name="Genres", value=", ".join(self.getGenres(resp))) embed.add_field(name="Tags", value=self.getTags(resp), inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Description", value=self.writeDescription(resp["description_raw"]), inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=embed) # Turns name into a slug def create_slug(self, game_id): try: # Check if it's a number game_id = int(game_id) return str(game_id) except ValueError: game_id = game_id.lower().replace(" ", "-").replace(":", "").replace("'", "") return game_id def rewriteDate(self, date): date = date.split("-") return "-".join(reversed(date)) def getGenres(self, release): return sorted([genre["name"] for genre in release["genres"]]) # Returns a list of all platforms this game is available on def getPlatforms(self, release): return sorted([platform["platform"]["name"] for platform in release["platforms"]]) # Returns a list of all stores this game is available on def getStores(self, release): return sorted(store["store"]["name"] for store in release["stores"]) # Returns a list of all tags associated with this game def getTags(self, release): if len(release["tags"]) == 0: return "N/A" li = sorted([tag["name"] for tag in release["tags"]]) st = li[0] for tag in li[1:]: if len(st) + 2 + len(tag) > 1024: break st += ", " + tag return st if st else "N/A" # Truncates the description if necessary def writeDescription(self, description): if len(description) > 700: return description[:697] + "..." return description if description else "N/A" @info.error async def info_on_error(self, ctx, error): if isinstance(error, commands.BadArgument): await ctx.send("Geef een geldig getal op.") elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await ctx.send("Controleer je argumenten.") else: raise error def setup(client): client.add_cog(Release(client))