from __future__ import annotations import pathlib import re from dataclasses import dataclass, field from datetime import date, datetime from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional if TYPE_CHECKING: from didier import Didier import discord from ics import Calendar from overrides import overrides from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession from database.crud.ufora_courses import get_course_by_code from database.schemas import UforaCourse from import EmbedBaseModel from didier.utils.discord import colours from didier.utils.types.datetime import LOCAL_TIMEZONE, int_to_weekday, time_string from didier.utils.types.string import leading from settings import ScheduleType __all__ = ["Schedule", "get_schedule_for_user", "parse_schedule_from_content", "parse_schedule"] @dataclass class Schedule(EmbedBaseModel): """An entire schedule""" slots: set[ScheduleSlot] = field(default_factory=set) def __add__(self, other) -> Schedule: """Combine schedules using the + operator""" if not isinstance(other, Schedule): raise TypeError("Argument to __add__ must be a Schedule") return Schedule(slots=self.slots.union(other.slots)) def __bool__(self) -> bool: """Make empty schedules falsy""" return bool(self.slots) def on_day(self, day: date) -> Schedule: """Only show courses on a given day""" return Schedule(set(filter(lambda slot: == day, self.slots))) def personalize(self, roles: set[int]) -> Schedule: """Personalize a schedule for a user, only adding courses they follow""" personal_slots = set() for slot in self.slots: role_found = slot.role_id is not None and slot.role_id in roles overarching_role_found = slot.overarching_role_id is not None and slot.overarching_role_id in roles if role_found or overarching_role_found: personal_slots.add(slot) return Schedule(personal_slots) @overrides def to_embed(self, **kwargs) -> discord.Embed: day: date = kwargs.get("day", day_str = f"{leading('0', str(}/{leading('0', str(day.month))}/{leading('0', str(day.year))}" embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Schedule - {int_to_weekday(day.weekday())} {day_str}") if self: embed.colour = colours.ghent_university_blue() else: embed.colour = colours.error_red() embed.description = ( "No planned classes found.\n\n" "In case this doesn't seem right, " "make sure that you've got the roles of all of courses that you're taking on.\n\n" "In case it does, enjoy your day off!" ) return embed slots_sorted = sorted(list(self.slots), key=lambda k: k.start_time) description_data = [] for slot in slots_sorted: description_data.append( f"{time_string(slot.start_time)} - {time_string(slot.end_time)}: {} " f"in **{slot.location}**" ) embed.description = "\n".join(description_data) return embed @dataclass class ScheduleSlot: """A slot in the schedule""" course: UforaCourse start_time: datetime end_time: datetime location: str _hash: int = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self): """Fix some properties to display more nicely""" # Re-format the location data room, building, campus ="(.*)\. Gebouw (.*)\. Campus (.*)\. ", self.location).groups() self.location = f"{campus} {building} {room}" self._hash = hash(f"{self.course.course_id} {str(self.start_time)}") @property def overarching_role_id(self) -> Optional[int]: """Shortcut to getting the overarching role id for this slot""" return self.course.overarching_role_id @property def role_id(self) -> Optional[int]: """Shortcut to getting the role id for this slot""" return self.course.role_id @overrides def __hash__(self) -> int: return self._hash @overrides def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ScheduleSlot): return False return self._hash == other._hash def get_schedule_for_user(client: Didier, member: discord.Member, day_dt: date) -> Optional[Schedule]: """Get a user's schedule""" roles: set[int] = { for role in member.roles} main_schedule: Optional[Schedule] = None for schedule in client.schedules.values(): personalized_schedule = schedule.on_day(day_dt).personalize(roles) if not personalized_schedule: continue # Add the personalized one to the current main schedule if main_schedule is None: main_schedule = personalized_schedule else: main_schedule = main_schedule + personalized_schedule return main_schedule def parse_course_code(summary: str) -> str: """Parse a course's code out of the summary""" code ="^([^ ]+)\. ", summary) if code is None: return summary code_group = code.groups()[0] # Strip off last character as it's not relevant if code_group[-1].isalpha(): return code_group[:-1] return code_group def parse_time_string(string: str) -> datetime: """Parse an ISO string to a timezone-aware datetime instance""" return datetime.fromisoformat(string).astimezone(LOCAL_TIMEZONE) async def parse_schedule_from_content(content: str, *, database_session: AsyncSession) -> Schedule: """Parse a schedule file, taking the file content as an argument This can be used to avoid unnecessarily opening the file again if you already have its contents """ calendar = Calendar(content) events = list( course_codes: dict[str, UforaCourse] = {} slots: set[ScheduleSlot] = set() for event in events: code = parse_course_code( if code not in course_codes: course = await get_course_by_code(database_session, code) if course is None: # raise ValueError(f"Unable to find course with code {code} (event {})") # noqa: E800 continue # TODO uncomment the line above after all courses have been added course_codes[code] = course # Overwrite the name to be the sanitized value = code slot = ScheduleSlot( course=course_codes[code], start_time=parse_time_string(str(event.begin)), end_time=parse_time_string(str(event.end)), location=event.location, ) slots.add(slot) return Schedule(slots=slots) async def parse_schedule(name: ScheduleType, *, database_session: AsyncSession) -> Optional[Schedule]: """Read and then parse a schedule file""" schedule_path = pathlib.Path(f"files/schedules/{name}.ics") if not schedule_path.exists(): return None with open(schedule_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fp: return await parse_schedule_from_content(, database_session=database_session)