from typing import Optional from sqlalchemy import select from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession from database.schemas import UforaCourse, UforaCourseAlias __all__ = ["get_all_courses", "get_course_by_code", "get_course_by_name"] async def get_all_courses(session: AsyncSession) -> list[UforaCourse]: """Get a list of all courses in the database""" statement = select(UforaCourse) return list((await session.execute(statement)).scalars().all()) async def get_course_by_code(session: AsyncSession, code: str) -> Optional[UforaCourse]: """Try to find a course by its code""" statement = select(UforaCourse).where(UforaCourse.code == code) return (await session.execute(statement)).scalar_one_or_none() async def get_course_by_name(session: AsyncSession, query: str) -> Optional[UforaCourse]: """Try to find a course by its name This checks for regular name first, and then aliases """ # Search case-insensitively query = query.lower() statement = select(UforaCourse).where("%{query}%")) result = (await session.execute(statement)).scalars().first() if result: return result statement = select(UforaCourseAlias).where(UforaCourseAlias.alias.ilike(f"%{query}%")) result = (await session.execute(statement)).scalars().first() return result.course if result else None