import re from typing import Optional from discord import Message from discord.ext import commands from import constants __all__ = ["get_prefix", "match_prefix"] def match_prefix(client: commands.Bot, message: Message) -> Optional[str]: """Try to match a prefix against a message, returning None instead of a default value This is done dynamically through regexes to allow case-insensitivity and variable amounts of whitespace among other things. """ mention = f"<@!?{}>" regex = r"^({})\s*" # Check which prefix was used for prefix in [*constants.PREFIXES, mention]: match = re.match(regex.format(prefix), message.content, flags=re.I) if match is not None: # Get the part of the message that was matched # .group() is inconsistent with whitespace, so that can't be used return message.content[: match.end()] return None def get_prefix(client: commands.Bot, message: Message) -> str: """Match a prefix against a message, with a fallback This is the main prefix function that is used by the bot """ # If nothing was matched, return "didier" as a fallback return match_prefix(client, message) or "didier"