from functions import xp from functions.database import utils import json import random import time def getOrAddUser(userid): connection = utils.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() query = "SELECT * FROM personalstats WHERE userid = %s" cursor.execute( query, (int(userid),) ) result = cursor.fetchall() # User didn't exist yet, so create a new default file if len(result) == 0: createNewUser(userid, connection) return getOrAddUser(userid) return result[0] def createNewUser(userid, connection=None): if connection is None: connection = utils.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() query = "INSERT INTO personalstats(userid, poked, robs_success, robs_failed, robs_total, longest_streak) " \ "VALUES (%s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)" cursor.execute(query, (int(userid),)) connection.commit() def getAllRows(): connection = utils.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( """SELECT * FROM personalstats""" ) return cursor.fetchall() def update(userid, column, value): _ = getOrAddUser(userid) connection = utils.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() query = "UPDATE personalstats " \ "SET {} = %s " \ "WHERE userid = %s".format(column) cursor.execute(query, (value, userid,)) connection.commit() statsTracker(column) # Automatically change global stats def statsTracker(column): if column in stats()["rob"]: with open("files/stats.json", "r") as fp: s = json.load(fp) s["rob"][column] += 1 with open("files/stats.json", "w") as fp: json.dump(s, fp) def stats(): return {"rob": ["robs_failed", "robs_success"]} # Gets a random person that has been poked before & has not blacklisted themself def pokeResetCandidate(current, blacklisted): connection = utils.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM personalstats WHERE poked != 0 and userid != %s and userid not in %s", (int(current), tuple(blacklisted))) return random.choice(cursor.fetchall())[0] def sentMessage(message): user = # Ignore bots if return # Ignore dm's if message.guild is None: return # Don't give xp for bot commands if message.content.lower().startswith(("didier", "owo", "?", "rps", "p!", "-")): return user_db = getOrAddUser( update(, "messages", user_db[11] + 1) update_channel( # Only gain xp every minute if round(time.time()) - user_db[13] > 30: gainXp(, user_db) def gainXp(user, user_db): update(user, "xp", user_db[12] + random.randint(5, 15) + (xp.calculate_level(user_db[12]) * 3)) update(user, "last_message", round(time.time())) def getTotalMessageCount(): r = getAllRows() return sum(user[11] for user in r) def getOrAddChannel(channelid: int): connection = utils.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM channel_activity WHERE channel_id = %s", (channelid,)) res = cursor.fetchall() if not res: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO channel_activity(channel_id, message_count) VALUES (%s, 0)", (channelid,)) connection.commit() return getOrAddChannel(channelid) return res def channel_activity(channel=None): connection = utils.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() # All channels if channel is None: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM channel_activity") return cursor.fetchall() return getOrAddChannel( def update_channel(channelid: int): connection = utils.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() channel = getOrAddChannel(channelid)[0] cursor.execute("UPDATE channel_activity SET message_count = %s WHERE channel_id = %s", (float(channel[1]) + 1, channelid)) connection.commit() def lower_channel(channelid: int, message_count): connection = utils.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("UPDATE channel_activity SET message_count = %s WHERE channel_id = %s", (float(message_count), channelid,)) connection.commit()