from typing import Optional

from attr import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from functions.timeFormatters import fromString
from functions.scrapers.sporza import getJPLMatches, getJPLTable
from functions.stringFormatters import leading_zero
import re
from requests import get
import tabulate

class Status(Enum):
    AfterToday = "--:--"
    NotStarted = "--:--"
    Postponed = "--:--"
    Over = "Einde"
    HalfTime = "Rust"

class Match:
    Class representing a football match between two teams
    matchDict: dict
    home: str = field(init=False)
    homeScore: int = 0
    away: str = field(init=False)
    awayScore: int = 0
    start: Optional[datetime] = field(init=False)
    date: str = field(init=False)
    weekDay: str = field(init=False)
    status: Status = field(init=False)

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        Parse class attributes out of a dictionary returned from an API request
        # The API isn't public, so every single game state is differently formatted
        self.status = self._get_status(self.matchDict[Navigation.Status.value])
        self.home = self.matchDict[Navigation.HomeTeam.value][Navigation.Name.value]
        self.away = self.matchDict[Navigation.AwayTeam.value][Navigation.Name.value]

        if self._has_started():
            self.homeScore = self.matchDict[Navigation.HomeScore.value]
            self.awayScore = self.matchDict[Navigation.AwayScore.value]

        if "startDateTime" in self.matchDict:
            self.start = fromString(self.matchDict["startDateTime"], formatString="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
            self.start = None = self.start.strftime("%d/%m") if self.start is not None else "Uitgesteld"
        self.weekDay = self._get_weekday() if self.start is not None else "??"

    def _get_status(self, status: str):
        Gets the string representation for the status of this match
        # LiveTime only exists if the status is live
        # Avoids KeyErrors
        if status.lower() == "live":
            # Half time
            if Navigation.LiveMatchPhase.value in self.matchDict and \
                    self.matchDict[Navigation.LiveMatchPhase.value] == Navigation.HalfTime.value:
                return Status.HalfTime.value

            # Current time
            return self.matchDict[Navigation.LiveTime.value]

        # If no special status, pull it out of this dict
        statusses: dict = {
            "after_today": Status.AfterToday.value,
            "not_started": Status.NotStarted.value,
            "postponed": Status.Postponed.value,
            "end": Status.Over.value

        return statusses[status.lower()]

    def _get_weekday(self):
        Gets the day of the week this match is played on
        day = self.start.weekday()
        days = ["Ma", "Di", "Wo", "Do", "Vr", "Za", "Zo"]
        return days[day]

    def get_info(self):
        Returns a list of all the info of this class in order to create a table
        return [self.weekDay,, self.home, self._get_score(), self.away, self.status]

    def _get_score(self):
        Returns a string representing the scoreboard
        if self.start is None:
            return "??"

        # No score to show yet, show time when the match starts
        if not self._has_started():
            return "{}:{}".format(leading_zero(str(self.start.hour)), leading_zero(str(self.start.minute)))

        return "{} - {}".format(self.homeScore, self.awayScore)

    def _has_started(self):
        return self.status not in [Status.AfterToday.value, Status.NotStarted.value, Status.Postponed.value]

class Navigation(Enum):
    Enum to navigate through the matchdict,
    seeing as the API is private the keys of the dict could change every now and then
    so this makes sure a key only has to be changed once.
    AwayTeam = "awayTeam"
    HomeTeam = "homeTeam"
    AwayScore = "awayScore"
    HomeScore = "homeScore"
    LiveTime = "liveTime"
    LiveMatchPhase = "liveMatchPhase"
    HalfTime = "HALF_TIME"
    Status = "status"
    Name = "name"

def get_matches(matchweek: int):
    Function that constructs the list of matches for a given matchweek
    current_day = getJPLMatches(matchweek)

    # API request failed
    if current_day is None:
        return "Er ging iets fout. Probeer het later opnieuw."

    matches = list(map(Match, current_day))
    matches = list(map(lambda x: x.get_info(), matches))

    header = "Jupiler Pro League - Speeldag {}".format(matchweek)
    table = tabulate.tabulate(matches, headers=["Dag", "Datum", "Thuis", "Stand", "Uit", "Tijd"])

    return "```{}\n\n{}```".format(header, table)

def get_table():
    Function that constructs the current table of the JPL
    rows = getJPLTable()

    if rows is None:
        return "Er ging iets fout. Probeer het later opnieuw."

    # Format every row to work for Tabulate
    formatted = [_format_row(row) for row in rows]

    header = "Jupiler Pro League Klassement"
    table = tabulate.tabulate(formatted, headers=["#", "Ploeg", "Punten", "M", "M+", "M-", "M=", "D+", "D-", "D+/-"])

    return "```{}\n\n{}```".format(header, table)

def _format_row(row):
    Function that formats a row into a list for Tabulate to use
    scoresArray = list([td.renderContents().decode("utf-8") for td in row.find_all("td")])[:9]

    # Insert the team name into the list
    scoresArray.insert(1, row.find_all("a")[0].renderContents().decode("utf-8").split("<!--")[0])

    return scoresArray

def get_jpl_code() -> int:
    editions = get("").json()["editions"]
    newest_edition = editions[0]["_links"]["self"]["href"]
    phase = get(newest_edition).json()["phases"][0]
    phase_url = phase["_links"]["self"]["href"]
    r = re.compile(r"\d+$")
    match =, phase_url)

    return int(match[0])