from data.embeds.urban_dictionary import Definition from decorators import help from discord.ext import commands from enums.help_categories import Category from functions import checks class Define(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client # Don't allow any commands to work when locked def cog_check(self, ctx): return not self.client.locked @commands.command(name="Define", aliases=["UrbanDictionary", "Ud"], usage="[Woord]") @commands.check(checks.allowedChannels) @help.Category(category=Category.Other) async def define(self, ctx, *, query): """ Command that looks up the definition of a word in the Urban Dictionary. :param ctx: Discord Context :param query: Word(s) to look up """ embed = Definition(query).to_embed() await ctx.send(embed=embed) def setup(client): client.add_cog(Define(client))