[flake8] # Don't lint non-Python files exclude = .git, .github, .mypy_cache, .pytest_cache, __pycache__, alembic, htmlcov, tests, venv # Disable rules that we don't care about (or conflict with others) extend-ignore = # Missing docstring in public module D100, D104, # Missing docstring in magic method D105, # Missing docstring in __init__ D107, # First line of docstrings should end with a period D400, # First line of docstrings should be in imperative mood D401, # Whitespace before ":" E203, # Don't require docstrings when overriding a method, # the base method should have a docstring but the rest not ignore-decorators=overrides max-line-length = 120 # Disable some rules for entire files per-file-ignores = # Missing __all__, main isn't supposed to be imported main.py: DALL000, # Missing __all__, Cogs aren't modules ./didier/cogs/*: DALL000, # All of the colours methods are just oneliners to create a colour, # there's no point adding docstrings (function names are enough) ./didier/utils/discord/colours.py: D103