import datetime from typing import List import dateutil.relativedelta import pytz import time from functions import stringFormatters def epochToDate(epochTimeStamp, strFormat="%d/%m/%Y om %H:%M:%S"): now = dateTimeNow() updateTime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(epochTimeStamp), pytz.timezone("Europe/Brussels")) diff = now - updateTime updateFormatted = str(updateTime.strftime(strFormat)) timeAgo = str(time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(diff.total_seconds()))) return {"date": updateFormatted, "dateDT": updateTime, "timeAgo": timeAgo} def dateTimeNow(): return"Europe/Brussels")) def leadingZero(hourMinutes): return ("0" if len(hourMinutes) == 3 else "") + hourMinutes def delimiter(hourMinutes, delim=":"): return hourMinutes[:2] + delim + hourMinutes[2:] def timeFromInt(value): return delimiter(leadingZero(str(value))) # Returns age in YMWD def age(seconds): # Amount of years years, seconds = timeIn(seconds, "years") months, seconds = timeIn(seconds, "months") weeks, seconds = timeIn(seconds, "weeks") days, seconds = timeIn(seconds, "days") return {"years": years, "months": months, "weeks": weeks, "days": days} # Returns amount of [unit] in [seconds] + the remaining seconds def timeIn(seconds, unit): timeDic = {"years": 31556926, "months": 2629743, "weeks": 604800, "days": 86400} timeUnit = timeDic[unit] return seconds // timeUnit, seconds - ((seconds // timeUnit) * timeUnit) # Creates a string representation based on Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds def diffDayBasisString(timestamp): if isinstance(timestamp, int): timestamp = epochToDate(timestamp)["dateDT"] now = dateTimeNow() diff = dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(now, timestamp) timeList = [] # Don't add obsolete info such as "0 days", ... if diff.days != 0: timeList.append("{} {}".format(diff.days, getPlural(diff.days, "days"))) if diff.hours != 0: timeList.append("{} uur".format(diff.hours)) if diff.minutes != 0: timeList.append("{} {}".format(diff.minutes, getPlural(diff.minutes, "minutes"))) if diff.seconds != 0: timeList.append("{} {}".format(diff.seconds, getPlural(diff.seconds, "seconds"))) timeString = ", ".join(timeList[:-1]) if len(timeString) > 0: timeString += " en " timeString += timeList[-1] return timeString def diffYearBasisString(timestamp): if isinstance(timestamp, int): timestamp = epochToDate(timestamp)["dateDT"] now = dateTimeNow() diff = dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(now, timestamp) timeList = [] # Don't add obsolete info such as "0 days", ... if diff.years != 0: timeList.append("{} jaar".format(diff.years)) if diff.months != 0: timeList.append("{} {}".format(diff.months, getPlural(diff.months, "months"))) if diff.weeks != 0: timeList.append("{} {}".format(diff.weeks, getPlural(diff.weeks, "weeks"))) if diff.days != 0: timeList.append("{} {}".format(diff.days, getPlural(diff.days, "days"))) timeString = "" if not timeList: return "Minder dan een dag" if len(timeList) > 1: timeString = ", ".join(timeList[:-1]) if len(timeString) > 0: timeString += " en " timeString += timeList[-1] return timeString # Returns the full day based on an abbreviation or full name def getFormat(term): terms = ["days", "weeks", "months", "years"] for word in terms: if word.startswith(term.lower()): return word return None # Gets the plural of a unit if necessary def getPlural(amount, unit): dic = { "seconds": {"s": "seconde", "p": "seconden"}, "minutes": {"s": "minuut", "p": "minuten"}, "hours": {"s": "uur", "p": "uur"}, "days": {"s": "dag", "p": "dagen"}, "weeks": {"s": "week", "p": "weken"}, "months": {"s": "maand", "p": "maanden"}, "years": {"s": "jaar", "p": "jaar"} } return dic[unit.lower()]["s" if amount == 1 else "p"] def weekdayToInt(day: str) -> int: days = {"maandag": 0, "dinsdag": 1, "woensdag": 2, "donderdag": 3, "vrijdag": 4, "zaterdag": 5, "zondag": 6} # Allow abbreviations for d, i in days.items(): if d.startswith(day): return i return -1 def intToWeekday(day): return ["Maandag", "Dinsdag", "Woensdag", "Donderdag", "Vrijdag", "Zaterdag", "Zondag"][day] def fromString(timeString: str, formatString="%d/%m/%Y", tzinfo=pytz.timezone("Europe/Brussels")): """ Constructs a datetime object from an input string """ return datetime.datetime.strptime(timeString, formatString).replace(tzinfo=tzinfo) def fromArray(data: List[int]) -> datetime: day = stringFormatters.leadingZero(str(data[0])) month = stringFormatters.leadingZero(str(data[1])) year = str(data[2]) if len(data) == 6: hour = stringFormatters.leadingZero(str(data[3])) minute = stringFormatters.leadingZero(str(data[4])) second = stringFormatters.leadingZero(str(data[5])) return fromString(f"{day}/{month}/{year} {hour}:{minute}:{second}", formatString="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") return fromString(f"{day}/{month}/{year}") def skip_weekends(day: datetime) -> datetime: """ Increment the current date if it's not a weekday """ weekday = day.weekday() # Friday is weekday 4 if weekday > 4: return day + datetime.timedelta(days=(7 - weekday)) return day def forward_to_weekday(day: datetime, weekday: int) -> datetime: """ Increment a date until the weekday is the same as the one provided Finds the "next" [weekday] """ current = day.weekday() # This avoids negative numbers below, and shows # next week in case the days are the same if weekday <= current: weekday += 7 return day + datetime.timedelta(days=(weekday - current))