import math from typing import Optional, Union __all__ = ["abbreviated_number"] def abbreviated_number(argument: str) -> Union[str, int]: """Custom converter to allow numbers to be abbreviated Examples: 515k 4m """ if not argument: raise ValueError if argument.lower() == "all" or argument == "*": return "all" if argument.isdecimal(): return int(argument) units = {"k": 3, "m": 6, "b": 9, "t": 12} # Get the unit if there is one, then chop it off value: Optional[int] = None if not argument[-1].isdigit(): if argument[-1].lower() not in units: raise ValueError unit = argument[-1].lower() value = units.get(unit) argument = argument[:-1] # [int][unit] # noqa: E800 if "." not in argument and value is not None: return int(argument) * (10**value) # [float][unit] # noqa: E800 if "." in argument: # Floats themselves are not supported if value is None: raise ValueError as_float = float(argument) return math.floor(as_float * (10**value)) # Unparseable raise ValueError