import math import discord from discord import utils, Member, User from discord.ext import commands from data import constants import requests from functions.database import currency # Checks if caller of a command is the owner of the bot async def isMe(ctx): # return str( == constants.myId return await # Checks if the caller of a command is an admin async def isMod(ctx): if ctx.guild is None: return await isMe(ctx) return in constants.mods[] # Checks if a command is allowed to be used in this channel async def allowedChannels(ctx): return (await isMe(ctx)) or == discord.ChannelType.private or int( in constants.allowedChannels.values() # TODO find a better way to check for legit links because reddit posts return a 502 def freeGamesCheck(ctx): if str( != str(constants.allowedChannels["freegames"]): return True # Replace newlines with spaces noNewLines = ctx.content.replace("\n", " ") link = "" for word in noNewLines.split(" "): if "http" in word and "://" in word: link = word.strip() break if link == "": return False request = requests.get(link) if request.status_code != 200: return False return True # Checks if a user can invest/gamble/... [amount] def isValidAmount(ctx, amount): if not amount: return [False, "Geef een geldig bedrag op."] dinks = float(currency.dinks( if amount == "all": if dinks > 0: return [True, dinks] else: return [False, "Je hebt niet genoeg Didier Dinks om dit te doen."] # Check if it's a number <= 0 or text != all if (all(char.isalpha() for char in str(amount)) and amount != "all") or \ (all(char.isdigit() for char in str(abs(int(amount)))) and int(amount) <= 0): return [False, "Geef een geldig bedrag op."] if int(amount) > dinks: return [False, "Je hebt niet genoeg Didier Dinks om dit te doen."] return [True, amount] def pluralS(amount): return "s" if round(float(amount)) != 1 else ""