from discord.ext import ipc from functions.database import custom_commands import json from quart import Quart, jsonify, request from quart_cors import cors from time import time app = Quart(__name__) # TODO allow_origin=re.compile(r"http://localhost:.*") # needs higher Python & Quart version app = cors(app, allow_origin="*") app.config.from_object(__name__) ipc_client = ipc.Client(secret_key="SOME_SECRET_KEY") @app.route("/ping", methods=["GET"]) async def ping(): """ Send a ping request, monitors bot latency, endpoint time, and PSQL latency """ latency = await ipc_client.request("get_bot_latency") return jsonify({"bot_latency": latency, "response_sent": time()}) @app.route("/dm", methods=["POST"]) async def send_dm(): """ Send a DM to the given user """ data = json.loads((await request.body).decode('UTF-8')) dm = await ipc_client.request( "send_dm", user=int(data["userid"]), message=data.get("message") ) return jsonify({"response": dm}) @app.route("/custom", methods=["GET"]) async def get_all_custom_commands(): """ Return a list of all custom commands in the bot """ commands = custom_commands.get_all() return jsonify(commands) @app.route("/custom/") async def get_custom_command(command_id): try: command_id = int(command_id) except ValueError: # Id is not an int return unprocessable_entity("Parameter id was not a valid integer.") command = custom_commands.get_by_id(command_id) if command is None: return page_not_found("") return jsonify(command) @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return jsonify({"error": "No resource could be found matching the given URL."}), 404 @app.errorhandler(422) def unprocessable_entity(e): return jsonify({"error": e}), 422 if __name__ == "__main__":