import os from typing import Dict import discord import requests class Definition: def __init__(self, query: str): self.query = query self.definition = Definition.lookup(query) @staticmethod def lookup(word) -> Dict: """ Function that sends the API request to get the definition. :param word: the woord to look up :return: a dictionary representing the info of this word """ url = "" querystring = {"term": word} headers = { 'x-rapidapi-host': "", 'x-rapidapi-key': os.getenv("URBANDICTIONARY") } try: if word.lower() == "didier": raise Exception response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=querystring).json()["list"] if len(response) > 0: return {"word": response[0]["word"], "definition": response[0]["definition"], "example": response[0]["example"], "thumbs_up": response[0]["thumbs_up"], "thumbs_down": response[0]["thumbs_down"], "link": response[0]["permalink"], "author": response[0]["author"]} # No valid response return {} except Exception: return Definition.define_didier() @staticmethod def clean_string(text: str): """ Function that cuts off definitions that are too long & strips out UD markdown from an input string. :param text: the input string to clean up :return: the edited version of the string """ text = text.replace("[", "") text = text.replace("]", "") if not text: return "N/A" return text if len(text) < 1024 else text[:1021] + "..." @staticmethod def ratio(dic) -> float: """ Function that alculates the upvote/downvote ratio of the definition. :param dic: the dictionary representing the definition :return: the upvote/downvote ratio (float) """ return (100 * int(dic["thumbs_up"])) / (int(dic["thumbs_up"]) + int(dic["thumbs_down"])) \ if int(dic["thumbs_down"]) != 0 else 100.0 @staticmethod def define_didier() -> Dict: """ Function that returns a stock dictionary to define Didier in case people call it, or no definition was found. :return: a dictionary that defines Didier """ return {"word": "Didier", "definition": "Didier", "example": "1: Didier\n2: Hmm?", "thumbs_up": 69420, "thumbs_down": 0, "author": "Didier", "link": "" "/Didier_Reynders_in_Iranian_Parliament_02.jpg"} def to_embed(self) -> discord.Embed: """ Create an embed for this definition """ # No results found if not self.definition: return self._nothing_found_embed() embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(220, 255, 0)) embed.set_author(name="Urban Dictionary") embed.add_field(name="Woord", value=self.definition["word"], inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Auteur", value=self.definition["author"], inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Definitie", value=Definition.clean_string(self.definition["definition"]), inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Voorbeeld", value=Definition.clean_string(self.definition["example"]), inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Rating", value=str(round(Definition.ratio(self.definition), 2)) + "%") embed.add_field(name="Link naar de volledige definitie", value="[Urban Dictionary]({})".format(str(self.definition["link"]))) return embed def _nothing_found_embed(self) -> discord.Embed: """ Special embed when no results could be found """ embed = discord.Embed(, title=self.query[:256]) embed.set_author(name="Urban Dictionary") embed.description = "Geen resultaten gevonden" return embed