import datetime import pytest from freezegun import freeze_time from sqlalchemy import select from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession from database.crud import tasks as crud from database.enums import TaskType from database.schemas.relational import Task @pytest.fixture def task_type() -> TaskType: """Fixture to use the same TaskType in every test""" return TaskType.BIRTHDAYS @pytest.fixture async def task(postgres: AsyncSession, task_type: TaskType) -> Task: """Fixture to create a task""" task = Task(task=task_type) postgres.add(task) await postgres.commit() return task async def test_get_task_by_enum_present(postgres: AsyncSession, task: Task, task_type: TaskType): """Test getting a task by its enum type when it exists""" result = await crud.get_task_by_enum(postgres, task_type) assert result is not None assert result == task async def test_get_task_by_enum_not_present(postgres: AsyncSession, task_type: TaskType): """Test getting a task by its enum type when it doesn't exist""" result = await crud.get_task_by_enum(postgres, task_type) assert result is None @freeze_time("2022/07/24") async def test_set_execution_time_exists(postgres: AsyncSession, task: Task, task_type: TaskType): """Test setting the execution time of an existing task""" await postgres.refresh(task) assert task.previous_run is None await crud.set_last_task_execution_time(postgres, task_type) await postgres.refresh(task) assert task.previous_run == datetime.datetime(year=2022, month=7, day=24) @freeze_time("2022/07/24") async def test_set_execution_time_doesnt_exist(postgres: AsyncSession, task_type: TaskType): """Test setting the execution time of a non-existing task""" statement = select(Task).where(Task.task == task_type) results = list((await postgres.execute(statement)).scalars().all()) assert len(results) == 0 await crud.set_last_task_execution_time(postgres, task_type) results = list((await postgres.execute(statement)).scalars().all()) assert len(results) == 1 task = results[0] assert task.previous_run == datetime.datetime(year=2022, month=7, day=24)