from data.menus import leaderboards from decorators import help import discord from discord.ext import commands, menus from enums.help_categories import Category from functions import checks, timeFormatters import requests class Train(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client # Don't allow any commands to work when locked def cog_check(self, ctx): return not self.client.locked @commands.command(name="Train", aliases=["Trein"], usage="[Vertrek]* [Bestemming]") @help.Category(category=Category.School) async def train(self, ctx, *args): if not args or len(args) > 2: await ctx.send("Controleer je argumenten.") return destination = args[-1] departure = args[0] if len(args) > 1 else "Gent Sint-Pieters" req = requests.get( "{}&to={}&alerts=true&lang=nl&format=json".format(departure, destination)).json() if "error" in req: embed = discord.Embed( embed.set_author(name="Treinen van {} naar {}".format( self.formatCity(departure), self.formatCity(destination))) embed.add_field(name="Error", value="Er ging iets fout, probeer het later opnieuw.", inline=False) await self.sendEmbed(ctx, embed) return pages = paginated_leaderboard.Pages(source=TrainPagination(self.formatConnections(req["connection"]), self.formatCity(departure), self.formatCity(destination)), clear_reactions_after=True) await pages.start(ctx) def formatConnections(self, connections): response = [] for connection in sorted(connections, key=lambda con: con["departure"]["time"]): conn = {} if connection["departure"]["canceled"] != "0" or connection["arrival"]["canceled"] != "0": conn = {"Canceled": "Afgeschaft"} dep = connection["departure"] arr = connection["arrival"] conn["depStation"] = self.formatCity(dep["station"]) conn["depTime"] = self.formatTime(dep["time"]) conn["delay"] = self.formatDelay(dep["delay"]) conn["track"] = dep["platform"] conn["arrStation"] = self.formatCity(arr["station"]) conn["direction"] = self.formatCity(dep["direction"]["name"]) conn["arrTime"] = self.formatTime(arr["time"]) conn["duration"] = self.formatTime(connection["duration"]) response.append(conn) return response def formatTime(self, timestamp): if int(timestamp) <= 86400: minutes = int(timestamp) // 60 if minutes < 60: return str(minutes) + "m" return "{}h{:02}m".format(minutes // 60, minutes % 60) else: return timeFormatters.epochToDate(int(timestamp), "%H:%M")["date"] def formatDelay(self, seconds): seconds = int(seconds) return self.sign(seconds) + self.formatTime(abs(seconds)) if seconds != 0 else "" def sign(self, number): return "-" if int(number) < 0 else "+" def formatCity(self, city): city = city[0].upper() + city[1:] arr = [] for i, letter in enumerate(city): if (i > 0 and (city[i - 1] == " " or city[i - 1] == "-")) or i == 0: arr.append(letter.upper()) else: arr.append(letter.lower()) return "".join(arr) async def sendEmbed(self, ctx, embed): if await checks.allowedChannels(ctx): await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: await class TrainPagination(menus.ListPageSource): def __init__(self, data, departure, destination): super().__init__(data, per_page=3) self.departure = departure self.destination = destination async def format_page(self, menu: menus.MenuPages, entries): offset = menu.current_page * self.per_page embed = discord.Embed( embed.set_author(name="Treinen van {} naar {}".format(self.departure, self.destination)) embed.set_footer(text="{}/{}".format(menu.current_page + 1, self.get_max_pages())) for i, connection in enumerate(entries, start=offset): afgeschaft = "Canceled" in connection embed.add_field(name="Van", value=str(connection["depStation"]), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Om", value=str(connection["depTime"]), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Spoor", value=str(connection["track"]), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Richting", value=str(connection["direction"]), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Aankomst", value=(str(connection["arrTime"]) if not afgeschaft else "**AFGESCHAFT**"), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Vertraging", value=str(connection["delay"]) if connection["delay"] != "" else "0", inline=True) # White space if i - offset < 2: embed.add_field(name="\u200b", value="\u200b", inline=False) return embed def setup(client): client.add_cog(Train(client))