from typing import Optional from attr import dataclass, field from datetime import datetime from enum import Enum from functions.timeFormatters import fromString from functions.scrapers.sporza import getJPLMatches, getJPLTable from functions.stringFormatters import leadingZero import re from requests import get import tabulate class Status(Enum): AfterToday = "--:--" NotStarted = "--:--" Postponed = "--:--" Over = "Einde" HalfTime = "Rust" @dataclass class Match: """ Class representing a football match between two teams """ matchDict: dict home: str = field(init=False) homeScore: int = 0 away: str = field(init=False) awayScore: int = 0 start: Optional[datetime] = field(init=False) date: str = field(init=False) weekDay: str = field(init=False) status: Status = field(init=False) def __attrs_post_init__(self): """ Parse class attributes out of a dictionary returned from an API request """ # The API isn't public, so every single game state is differently formatted self.status = self._getStatus(self.matchDict[Navigation.Status.value]) self.home = self.matchDict[Navigation.HomeTeam.value][Navigation.Name.value] self.away = self.matchDict[Navigation.AwayTeam.value][Navigation.Name.value] if self._hasStarted(): self.homeScore = self.matchDict[Navigation.HomeScore.value] self.awayScore = self.matchDict[Navigation.AwayScore.value] if "startDateTime" in self.matchDict: self.start = fromString(self.matchDict["startDateTime"], formatString="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z") else: self.start = None = self.start.strftime("%d/%m") if self.start is not None else "Uitgesteld" self.weekDay = self._getWeekday() if self.start is not None else "??" def _getStatus(self, status: str): """ Gets the string representation for the status of this match """ # LiveTime only exists if the status is live # Avoids KeyErrors if status.lower() == "live": # Half time if Navigation.LiveMatchPhase.value in self.matchDict and \ self.matchDict[Navigation.LiveMatchPhase.value] == Navigation.HalfTime.value: return Status.HalfTime.value # Current time return self.matchDict[Navigation.LiveTime.value] # If no special status, pull it out of this dict statusses: dict = { "after_today": Status.AfterToday.value, "not_started": Status.NotStarted.value, "postponed": Status.Postponed.value, "end": Status.Over.value } return statusses[status.lower()] def _getWeekday(self): """ Gets the day of the week this match is played on """ day = self.start.weekday() days = ["Ma", "Di", "Wo", "Do", "Vr", "Za", "Zo"] return days[day] def getInfo(self): """ Returns a list of all the info of this class in order to create a table """ return [self.weekDay,, self.home, self._getScore(), self.away, self.status] def _getScore(self): """ Returns a string representing the scoreboard """ if self.start is None: return "??" # No score to show yet, show time when the match starts if not self._hasStarted(): return "{}:{}".format(leadingZero(str(self.start.hour)), leadingZero(str(self.start.minute))) return "{} - {}".format(self.homeScore, self.awayScore) def _hasStarted(self): return self.status not in [Status.AfterToday.value, Status.NotStarted.value, Status.Postponed.value] class Navigation(Enum): """ Enum to navigate through the matchdict, seeing as the API is private the keys of the dict could change every now and then so this makes sure a key only has to be changed once. """ AwayTeam = "awayTeam" HomeTeam = "homeTeam" AwayScore = "awayScore" HomeScore = "homeScore" LiveTime = "liveTime" LiveMatchPhase = "liveMatchPhase" HalfTime = "HALF_TIME" Status = "status" Name = "name" def getMatches(matchweek: int): """ Function that constructs the list of matches for a given matchweek """ current_day = getJPLMatches(matchweek) # API request failed if current_day is None: return "Er ging iets fout. Probeer het later opnieuw." matches = list(map(Match, current_day)) matches = list(map(lambda x: x.getInfo(), matches)) header = "Jupiler Pro League - Speeldag {}".format(matchweek) table = tabulate.tabulate(matches, headers=["Dag", "Datum", "Thuis", "Stand", "Uit", "Tijd"]) return "```{}\n\n{}```".format(header, table) def getTable(): """ Function that constructs the current table of the JPL """ rows = getJPLTable() if rows is None: return "Er ging iets fout. Probeer het later opnieuw." # Format every row to work for Tabulate formatted = [_formatRow(row) for row in rows] header = "Jupiler Pro League Klassement" table = tabulate.tabulate(formatted, headers=["#", "Ploeg", "Punten", "M", "M+", "M-", "M=", "D+", "D-", "D+/-"]) return "```{}\n\n{}```".format(header, table) def _formatRow(row): """ Function that formats a row into a list for Tabulate to use """ scoresArray = list([td.renderContents().decode("utf-8") for td in row.find_all("td")])[:9] # Insert the team name into the list scoresArray.insert(1, row.find_all("a")[0].renderContents().decode("utf-8").split("