import re from dataclasses import dataclass, field from datetime import datetime from typing import Optional from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo import discord from markdownify import markdownify as md from database.schemas import UforaCourse from import EmbedBaseModel from didier.utils.discord.colours import ghent_university_blue from didier.utils.types.datetime import LOCAL_TIMEZONE, int_to_weekday from didier.utils.types.string import leading __all__ = [ "UforaNotification", ] @dataclass class UforaNotification(EmbedBaseModel): """A single notification from Ufora""" content: dict course: UforaCourse notification_id: Optional[int] = None course_id: Optional[int] = None _view_url: str = field(init=False) _title: str = field(init=False) _description: str = field(init=False) published_dt: datetime = field(init=False) _published: str = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self): self._view_url = self._create_url() self._title = self._clean_content(self.content["title"]) self._description = self._get_description() self.published_dt = self._published_datetime() self._published = self._get_published() def to_embed(self, **kwargs) -> discord.Embed: """Turn the notification into an embed""" embed = discord.Embed(title=self._title, colour=ghent_university_blue()) embed.set_author( embed.title = self._title embed.url = self._view_url embed.description = self._description embed.set_footer(text=self._published) return embed def get_id(self) -> int: """Parse the id out of the notification""" return int(self.notification_id) if self.notification_id is not None else self.content["id"] def _create_url(self): if self.notification_id is None or self.course_id is None: return self.content["link"] return f"{self.course_id}/{self.notification_id}/view?ou={self.course_id}" def _get_description(self): desc = self._clean_content(self.content["summary"]) if len(desc) > 4096: return desc[:4093] + "..." return desc def _clean_content(self, text: str): # Escape *-characters because they mess up the layout # and non-breaking-spaces text = text.replace("*", "\\*").replace("\xa0", " ") text = md(text) # Squash consecutive newlines and ignore spaces inbetween subbed = re.sub(r"\n+\s?\n+", "\n\n", text) return subbed def _published_datetime(self) -> datetime: """Get a datetime instance of the publication date""" # Datetime is unable to parse the timezone because it's useless # We will hereby cut it out and pray the timezone will always be UTC+0 published = self.content["published"].rsplit(" ", 1)[0] time_string = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S" dt = datetime.strptime(published, time_string).replace(tzinfo=ZoneInfo("GMT")).astimezone(LOCAL_TIMEZONE) return dt def _get_published(self) -> str: """Get a formatted string that represents when this announcement was published""" return ( f"{int_to_weekday(self.published_dt.weekday())} " f"{leading('0', str(}" "/" f"{leading('0', str(self.published_dt.month))}" "/" f"{self.published_dt.year} " f"{leading('0', str(self.published_dt.hour))}" ":" f"{leading('0', str(self.published_dt.minute))}" ":" f"{leading('0', str(self.published_dt.second))}" )