from datetime import datetime import discord from overrides import overrides from pydantic import validator from import EmbedPydantic from didier.utils.discord import colours from didier.utils.discord.constants import Limits from didier.utils.types import string as string_utils __all__ = ["Definition"] class Definition(EmbedPydantic): """A definition from the Urban Dictionary""" word: str definition: str example: str permalink: str author: str thumbs_up: int thumbs_down: int written_on: datetime @property def ratio(self) -> float: """The up vote/down vote ratio This ratio is rounded down to 2 decimal places If the amount of down votes is 0, always return 100% """ # No down votes, possibly no up votes either # Avoid a 0/0 situation if self.thumbs_down == 0: return 100 total_votes = self.thumbs_up + self.thumbs_down return round(100 * self.thumbs_up / total_votes, 2) @validator("definition", "example") def modify_long_text(cls, field): """Remove brackets from fields & cut them off if they are too long""" field = field.replace("[", "").replace("]", "") return string_utils.abbreviate(field, max_length=Limits.EMBED_FIELD_VALUE_LENGTH) @overrides def to_embed(self, **kwargs: dict) -> discord.Embed: embed = discord.Embed(colour=colours.urban_dictionary_green()) embed.set_author(name="Urban Dictionary") embed.add_field(name="Term", value=self.word, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Author",, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Definition", value=self.definition, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Example", value=self.example or "\u200B", inline=False) embed.add_field( name="Rating", value=f"{self.ratio}% ({self.thumbs_up}/{self.thumbs_up + self.thumbs_down})", inline=True ) embed.add_field(name="Link", value=f"[Urban Dictionary]({self.permalink})", inline=True) return embed