from typing import Optional import discord from discord import app_commands from discord.ext import commands from database.crud import birthdays, bookmarks, github from database.exceptions import ( DuplicateInsertException, Forbidden, ForbiddenNameException, NoResultFoundException, ) from didier import Didier from didier.exceptions import expect from didier.menus.bookmarks import BookmarkSource from didier.menus.common import Menu from didier.utils.discord import colours from didier.utils.discord.assets import get_author_avatar from didier.utils.types.datetime import str_to_date from didier.utils.types.string import leading from didier.views.modals import CreateBookmark class Discord(commands.Cog): """Commands related to Discord itself, which work with resources like servers and members.""" client: Didier # Context-menu references _bookmark_ctx_menu: app_commands.ContextMenu _pin_ctx_menu: app_commands.ContextMenu def __init__(self, client: Didier): self.client = client self._bookmark_ctx_menu = app_commands.ContextMenu(name="Bookmark", callback=self._bookmark_ctx) self._pin_ctx_menu = app_commands.ContextMenu(name="Pin", callback=self._pin_ctx) self.client.tree.add_command(self._bookmark_ctx_menu) self.client.tree.add_command(self._pin_ctx_menu) async def cog_unload(self) -> None: """Remove the commands when the cog is unloaded""" self.client.tree.remove_command(, type=self._bookmark_ctx_menu.type) self.client.tree.remove_command(, type=self._pin_ctx_menu.type)"birthday", aliases=["bd", "birthdays"], case_insensitive=True, invoke_without_command=True) async def birthday(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: discord.User = None): """Command to check the birthday of `user`. Not passing an argument for `user` will show yours instead. """ user_id = (user and or async with self.client.postgres_session as session: birthday = await birthdays.get_birthday_for_user(session, user_id) name: Optional[str] = f"{user.display_name}'s" if user is not None else None if birthday is None: return await ctx.reply(f"I don't know {name or 'your'} birthday.", mention_author=False) day, month = leading("0", str(, leading("0", str(birthday.birthday.month)) return await ctx.reply(f"{name or 'Your'} birthday is set to **{day}/{month}**.", mention_author=False) @birthday.command(name="set", aliases=["config"]) async def birthday_set(self, ctx: commands.Context, day: str): """Set your birthday to `day`. Parsing of the `day`-argument happens in the following order: `DD/MM/YYYY`, `DD/MM/YY`, `DD/MM`. Other formats will not be accepted. """ try: default_year = 2001 date = str_to_date(day, formats=["%d/%m/%Y", "%d/%m/%y", "%d/%m"]) # If no year was passed, make it 2001 by default if day.count("/") == 1: date.replace(year=default_year) except ValueError: return await ctx.reply(f"`{day}` is not a valid date.", mention_author=False) async with self.client.postgres_session as session: await birthdays.add_birthday(session,, date) await self.client.confirm_message(ctx.message)"bookmark", aliases=["bm", "bookmarks"], case_insensitive=True, invoke_without_command=True) async def bookmark(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, label: Optional[str] = None): """Post the message bookmarked with `label`. The `label`-argument can contain spaces and does not require quotes around it. For example: ``` didier bookmark some label with multiple words ``` When no value for `label` is provided, this is a shortcut to `bookmark search`. """ # No label: shortcut to display bookmarks if label is None: return await self.bookmark_search(ctx, query=None) async with self.client.postgres_session as session: result = expect( await bookmarks.get_bookmark_by_name(session,, label), entity_type="bookmark", argument="label", ) await ctx.reply(result.jump_url, mention_author=False) @bookmark.command(name="create", aliases=["new"]) async def bookmark_create(self, ctx: commands.Context, label: str, message: Optional[discord.Message]): """Create a new bookmark for message `message` with label `label`. Instead of the link to a message, you can also reply to the message you wish to bookmark. In this case, the `message`-argument can be left out. `label` can not be names (or aliases) of subcommands. However, names with spaces are allowed. If you wish to use a name with spaces, it must be wrapped in "quotes". """ # If no message was passed, allow replying to the message that should be bookmarked if message is None and ctx.message.reference is not None: message = await self.client.resolve_message(ctx.message.reference) # Didn't fix it, so no message was found if message is None: return await ctx.reply("Found no message to bookmark.", delete_after=10) # Create new bookmark try: async with self.client.postgres_session as session: bm = await bookmarks.create_bookmark(session,, label, message.jump_url) await ctx.reply(f"Bookmark `{label}` successfully created (`#{bm.bookmark_id}`).", mention_author=False) except DuplicateInsertException: # Label is already in use return await ctx.reply(f"You already have a bookmark named `{label}`.", mention_author=False) except ForbiddenNameException: # Label isn't allowed return await ctx.reply(f"Bookmarks cannot be named `{label}`.", mention_author=False) @bookmark.command(name="delete", aliases=["rm"]) async def bookmark_delete(self, ctx: commands.Context, bookmark_id: str): """Delete the bookmark with id `bookmark_id`. You can only delete your own bookmarks. """ # The bookmarks are displayed with a hashtag in front of the id # so strip it out in case people want to try and use this bookmark_id = bookmark_id.removeprefix("#") try: bookmark_id_int = int(bookmark_id) except ValueError: return await ctx.reply(f"`{bookmark_id}` is not a valid bookmark id.", mention_author=False) async with self.client.postgres_session as session: try: await bookmarks.delete_bookmark_by_id(session,, bookmark_id_int) except NoResultFoundException: return await ctx.reply(f"Found no bookmark with id `#{bookmark_id_int}`.", mention_author=False) except Forbidden: return await ctx.reply(f"You don't own bookmark `#{bookmark_id_int}`.", mention_author=False) return await ctx.reply(f"Successfully deleted bookmark `#{bookmark_id_int}`.", mention_author=False) @bookmark.command(name="search", aliases=["list", "ls"]) async def bookmark_search(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, query: Optional[str] = None): """Search through the list of bookmarks. If a value for `query` was provided, results will be filtered down to only labels that include `query`. Otherwise, all bookmarks are displayed. The `query`-argument can contain spaces and does not require quotes around it. For example: ``` didier bookmark search some query with multiple words ``` """ async with self.client.postgres_session as session: results = await bookmarks.get_bookmarks(session,, query=query) if not results: embed = discord.Embed(title="Bookmarks", avatar_url = get_author_avatar(ctx).url embed.set_author(, icon_url=avatar_url) embed.description = "You haven't created any bookmarks yet." return await ctx.reply(embed=embed, mention_author=False) source = BookmarkSource(ctx, results) menu = Menu(source) await menu.start(ctx) async def _bookmark_ctx(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, message: discord.Message): """Create a bookmark out of this message""" modal = CreateBookmark(self.client, message.jump_url) await interaction.response.send_modal(modal)"github", aliases=["gh", "git"], case_insensitive=True, invoke_without_command=True) async def github_group(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: Optional[discord.User] = None): """Show a user's GitHub links. If no user is provided, this shows your links instead. """ # Default to author user = user or embed = discord.Embed(colour=colours.github_white(), title="GitHub Links") embed.set_author( name=user.display_name, icon_url=user.avatar.url if user.avatar is not None else user.default_avatar.url ) embed.set_footer(text="Links can be added using didier github add .") async with self.client.postgres_session as session: links = await github.get_github_links(session, if not links: embed.description = "This user has not set any GitHub links yet." else: regular_links = [] ugent_links = [] for link in links: if "" in link.url.lower(): ugent_links.append(f"`#{link.github_link_id}`: {link.url}") else: regular_links.append(f"`#{link.github_link_id}`: {link.url}") regular_links.sort() ugent_links.sort() if ugent_links: embed.add_field(name="Ghent University", value="\n".join(ugent_links), inline=False) if regular_links: embed.add_field(name="Other", value="\n".join(regular_links), inline=False) return await ctx.reply(embed=embed, mention_author=False) @github_group.command(name="add", aliases=["create", "insert"]) async def github_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, link: str): """Add a new link into the database.""" # Remove wrapping which can be used to escape Discord embeds link = link.removeprefix("<").removesuffix(">") async with self.client.postgres_session as session: try: gh_link = await github.add_github_link(session,, link) except DuplicateInsertException: return await ctx.reply("This link has already been registered by someone.", mention_author=False) await self.client.confirm_message(ctx.message) return await ctx.reply(f"Successfully inserted link `#{gh_link.github_link_id}`.", mention_author=False) @github_group.command(name="delete", aliases=["del", "remove", "rm"]) async def github_delete(self, ctx: commands.Context, link_id: str): """Delete the link with it `link_id` from the database. You can only delete your own links. """ try: link_id_int = int(link_id.removeprefix("#")) except ValueError: return await ctx.reply(f"`{link_id}` is not a valid link id.", mention_author=False) async with self.client.postgres_session as session: try: await github.delete_github_link_by_id(session,, link_id_int) except NoResultFoundException: return await ctx.reply(f"Found no GitHub link with id `#{link_id_int}`.", mention_author=False) except Forbidden: return await ctx.reply(f"You don't own GitHub link `#{link_id_int}`.", mention_author=False) return await ctx.reply(f"Successfully deleted GitHub link `#{link_id_int}`.", mention_author=False) @commands.command(name="join") async def join(self, ctx: commands.Context, thread: discord.Thread): """Make Didier join `thread`. This command should generally not be necessary, as Didier automatically joins threads. However, it's possible that Didier is offline at the moment of a thread being created. Alternatively, you can also `@mention` Didier to pull him into the thread instead. """ if is not None: return await ctx.reply() @commands.command(name="pin") async def pin(self, ctx: commands.Context, message: Optional[discord.Message] = None): """Pin `message` in the current channel. Instead of the link to a message, you can also reply to the message you wish to pin. In this case, the `message`-argument can be left out. """ # If no message was passed, allow replying to the message that should be pinned if message is None and ctx.message.reference is not None: message = await self.client.resolve_message(ctx.message.reference) # Didn't fix it, sad if message is None: return await ctx.reply("Found no message to pin.", delete_after=10) if message.pinned: return await ctx.reply("This message has already been pinned.", delete_after=10) if message.is_system(): return await ctx.reply("Dus jij wil system messages pinnen?\nMag niet.") await"Didier Pin by {}") await message.add_reaction("📌") async def _pin_ctx(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, message: discord.Message): """Pin a message in the current channel""" # Is already pinned if message.pinned: return await interaction.response.send_message("This message is already pinned.", ephemeral=True) if message.is_system(): return await interaction.response.send_message( "Dus jij wil system messages pinnen?\nMag niet.", ephemeral=True ) await"Didier Pin by {interaction.user.display_name}") await message.add_reaction("📌") return await interaction.response.send_message("📌", ephemeral=True) async def setup(client: Didier): """Load the cog""" await client.add_cog(Discord(client))