import math __all__ = [ "capacity_upgrade_price", "interest_upgrade_price", "rob_upgrade_price", "jail_chance", "jail_time", "rob_amount", "rob_chance", ] def interest_upgrade_price(level: int) -> int: """Calculate the price to upgrade your interest level""" base_cost = 600 growth_rate = 1.8 return math.floor(base_cost * (growth_rate**level)) def capacity_upgrade_price(level: int) -> int: """Calculate the price to upgrade your capacity level""" base_cost = 800 growth_rate = 1.6 return math.floor(base_cost * (growth_rate**level)) def rob_upgrade_price(level: int) -> int: """Calculate the price to upgrade your rob level""" base_cost = 950 growth_rate = 1.9 return math.floor(base_cost * (growth_rate**level)) def jail_chance(level: int) -> float: """Calculate the chance that you'll end up in jail""" base_chance = 0.35 growth_rate = 1.15 return max(0.0, base_chance - (growth_rate**level)) def jail_time(level: int) -> int: """Calculate the time in hours you'll have to spend in jail""" base_hours = 2 growth_rate = 1.27 return math.floor(base_hours + growth_rate**level) def rob_amount(level: int) -> int: """Calculate the maximum amount of Didier Dinks that you can rob""" base_amount = 250 growth_rate = 1.4 return math.floor(base_amount * (growth_rate**level)) def rob_chance(level: int) -> float: """Calculate the chances of a robbing attempt being successful""" base_chance = 0.25 return base_chance + 2.1 * level