from decorators import help import discord from discord.ext import commands from enums.help_categories import Category from functions import reactWord class ReactWord(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client self.utilsCog = self.client.get_cog("Utils") # Don't allow any commands to work when locked def cog_check(self, ctx): return not self.client.locked @commands.command(name="React", usage="[Tekst] [Message id/url]*") @help.Category(category=Category.Other) async def react(self, ctx, *words): words = list(words) target = False channel = # Check if the URL or the Id was passed if str(words[-1]).count("/") > 3: spl = str(words[-1]).split("/") channel = self.client.get_channel(int(spl[-2])) if channel is None: return await ctx.send("Ik kan geen kanaal zien met dit id.") words[-1] = spl[-1] # Get the message object if an Id was passed, otherwise react to the message itself try: message = await channel.fetch_message(words[-1]) if message is None: return await ctx.send("Ik kan geen bericht zien met dit id.") target = True except discord.HTTPException: message = ctx.message # Reactions that were added before this command was executed previousReactions = ([x.emoji for x in message.reactions]) if len(message.reactions) != 0 else [] eligible, arr = reactWord.check(list(words), previousReactions) if not eligible: await ctx.send(arr[0]) else: if target: await self.utilsCog.removeMessage(ctx.message) for reac in arr: await message.add_reaction(reac) @commands.command(name="Character", aliases=["Char"], usage="[Karakter]") @help.Category(category=Category.Other) async def char(self, ctx, char: str = None): # Nothing passed if char is None: return await ctx.send("Controleer je argumenten") char = char.lower() # Not 1 char passed if len(char) != 1 or char not in reactWord.allowedCharacters(): return await ctx.send("Dit is geen geldig karakter.") var = reactWord.getAllVariants(char) return await ctx.send("**Karakter**: {}\nOpties (**{}**): {}".format( char, len(var), " ".join(var) )) def setup(client): client.add_cog(ReactWord(client))