import dacite from dacite import from_dict from dataclasses import dataclass, field from datetime import datetime, timedelta from enums.platform import Platform, get_platform from functions.config import get from functions.timeFormatters import fromArray, forward_to_weekday, intToWeekday import json from typing import Dict, Optional, List @dataclass class Holiday: start_date: List[int] end_date: List[int] start_date_parsed: datetime = field(init=False) end_date_parsed: datetime = field(init=False) duration: timedelta = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self): self.start_date_parsed = fromArray(self.start_date) self.end_date_parsed = fromArray(self.end_date) self.duration = self.end_date_parsed - self.start_date_parsed def has_passed(self, current_day: datetime) -> bool: """ Check if a holiday has passed already """ return current_day > self.end_date_parsed @dataclass class Course: name: str @dataclass class Location: campus: str building: str room: str @dataclass class Timeslot: course: Course start_time: int end_time: int canceled: bool = False is_special: bool = False location: Optional[Location] = None online_link: Optional[str] = None online_platform: Optional[Platform] = None @staticmethod def from_slot_dict(slot_dict: Dict, course_dict: Dict, current_week: int): """ Construct a Timeslot from a dict of data """ special = False if "weeks" in slot_dict and str(current_week) in slot_dict["weeks"]: # If at least one thing was changed, this slot requires extra attention special = True # Overwrite the normal data with the customized entries slot_dict.update(slot_dict["weeks"][str(current_week)]) # Only happens online, not on-campus online_only = slot_dict["weeks"][str(current_week)].get("online_only", False) if online_only: slot_dict.pop("location") course = Course(course_dict["course"]) start_time = slot_dict["time"]["start"] end_time = slot_dict["time"]["end"] # Location can be none if a class is online-only location = dacite.from_dict(Location, slot_dict["location"]) if "location" in slot_dict else None # Find platform & link if this class is online online_platform: Platform = get_platform(slot_dict.get("online", None)) online_link = course_dict["online_links"][Platform.value["rep"]] if online_platform is not None else None return Timeslot(course=course, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, canceled="canceled" in slot_dict, is_special=special, location=location, online_platform=online_platform, online_link=online_link) @dataclass class Schedule: day: datetime targetted_weekday: bool = False schedule_dict: Dict = field(init=False) start_date: datetime = field(init=False) end_date: datetime = field(init=False) semester_over: bool = False holiday_offset: int = 0 current_holiday: Optional[Holiday] = None _weekday_str: str = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self): self.schedule_dict: Dict = self.load_schedule_file() self.start_date = fromArray(self.schedule_dict["semester_start"]) self.end_date = fromArray(self.schedule_dict["semester_end"]) # Semester is over if self.end_date <= self.semester_over = True return self.check_holidays() # TODO show a custom embed when no class instead of fast-forwarding # # Store the target weekday (in case it exists) so we can ask for the next # # friday after the holiday, for example # target_weekday = -1 if not self.targetted_weekday else # # # Show schedule for after holidays # if self.current_holiday is not None: # # Set day to day after holiday # = self.current_holiday.end_date_parsed + timedelta(days=1) # # # Find the next [DAY] after the holidays # if target_weekday != -1: # = forward_to_weekday(, target_weekday) self._weekday_str = intToWeekday( print( def check_holidays(self): """ Do all holiday-related stuff here to avoid multiple loops """ for hol_entry in self.schedule_dict.get("holidays", []): holiday: Holiday = from_dict(Holiday, hol_entry) # Hasn't happened yet, don't care if holiday.start_date_parsed > continue # In the past: add the offset if holiday.has_passed( self.holiday_offset += ( - holiday.end_date_parsed) // 7 elif holiday.start_date_parsed <= <= holiday.end_date_parsed: self.current_holiday = holiday def load_schedule_file(self) -> Dict: """ Load the schedule from the JSON file """ semester = get("semester") year = get("year") with open(f"files/schedules/{year}{semester}.json", "r") as fp: return json.load(fp) def get_week(self) -> int: """ Get the current week of the semester """ diff: timedelta = - self.start_date # Hasn't started yet, show week 1 if diff.days < 0: return 1 # Add +1 at the end because week 1 would be 0 as it's not over yet return (diff.days // 7) + self.holiday_offset + 1 def find_slots_for_course(self, course_dict: Dict, current_week: int) -> List[Timeslot]: """ Create time timeslots for a course """ slots_today = [] # First create a list of all slots of today for slot in course_dict["slots"]: # This slot is for a different day if slot["time"]["day"] != self._weekday_str.lower(): continue slots_today.append(slot) # Create Timeslots slots_today = list(map(lambda x: Timeslot.from_slot_dict(x, course_dict, current_week), slots_today)) return slots_today def create_schedule(self): """ Create the schedule for the current week """ week: int = self.get_week() slots: List[List[Timeslot]] = [self.find_slots_for_course(course, week) for course in self.schedule_dict["schedule"]] slots_flattened = [item for sublist in slots for item in sublist]