from typing import Optional import discord from discord import app_commands from discord.ext import commands from database.crud import custom_commands from database.exceptions.constraints import DuplicateInsertException from database.exceptions.not_found import NoResultFoundException from didier import Didier from import EditCustomFlags from import CreateCustomCommand, EditCustomCommand class Owner(commands.Cog): """Cog for owner-only commands""" client: Didier # Slash groups add_slash = app_commands.Group(name="add", description="Add something new to the database") edit_slash = app_commands.Group(name="edit", description="Edit an existing database entry") def __init__(self, client: Didier): self.client = client async def cog_check(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> bool: """Global check for every command in this cog This means that we don't have to add is_owner() to every single command separately """ # pylint: disable=W0236 # Pylint thinks this can't be async, but it can return await self.client.is_owner( @commands.command(name="Error") async def _error(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Raise an exception for debugging purposes""" raise Exception("Debug") @commands.command(name="Sync") async def sync(self, ctx: commands.Context, guild: Optional[discord.Guild] = None): """Sync all application-commands in Discord""" if guild is not None: self.client.tree.copy_global_to(guild=guild) await self.client.tree.sync(guild=guild) else: await self.client.tree.sync() await ctx.message.add_reaction("🔄")"Add", case_insensitive=True, invoke_without_command=False) async def add_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Command group for [add X] message commands""" @add_msg.command(name="Custom") async def add_custom(self, ctx: commands.Context, name: str, *, response: str): """Add a new custom command""" async with self.client.db_session as session: try: await custom_commands.create_command(session, name, response) await self.client.confirm_message(ctx.message) except DuplicateInsertException: await ctx.reply("Er bestaat al een commando met deze naam.") await self.client.reject_message(ctx.message) @add_msg.command(name="Alias") async def add_alias(self, ctx: commands.Context, command: str, alias: str): """Add a new alias for a custom command""" async with self.client.db_session as session: try: await custom_commands.create_alias(session, command, alias) await self.client.confirm_message(ctx.message) except NoResultFoundException: await ctx.reply(f'Geen commando gevonden voor "{command}".') await self.client.reject_message(ctx.message) except DuplicateInsertException: await ctx.reply("Er bestaat al een commando met deze naam.") await self.client.reject_message(ctx.message) @add_slash.command(name="custom", description="Add a custom command") async def add_custom_slash(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): """Slash command to add a custom command""" if not await self.client.is_owner(interaction.user): return interaction.response.send_message( "Je hebt geen toestemming om dit commando uit te voeren.", ephemeral=True ) modal = CreateCustomCommand(self.client) await interaction.response.send_modal(modal)"Edit", case_insensitive=True, invoke_without_command=False) async def edit_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Command group for [edit X] commands""" @edit_msg.command(name="Custom") async def edit_custom_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context, command: str, *, flags: EditCustomFlags): """Edit an existing custom command""" async with self.client.db_session as session: try: await custom_commands.edit_command(session, command,, flags.response) return await self.client.confirm_message(ctx.message) except NoResultFoundException: await ctx.reply(f"Geen commando gevonden voor ``{command}``.") return await self.client.reject_message(ctx.message) @edit_slash.command(name="custom", description="Edit a custom command") @app_commands.describe(command="The name of the command to edit") async def edit_custom_slash(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, command: str): """Slash command to edit a custom command""" if not await self.client.is_owner(interaction.user): return interaction.response.send_message( "Je hebt geen toestemming om dit commando uit te voeren.", ephemeral=True ) async with self.client.db_session as session: _command = await custom_commands.get_command(session, command) if _command is None: return await interaction.response.send_message( f"Geen commando gevonden voor ``{command}``.", ephemeral=True ) modal = EditCustomCommand(self.client,, _command.response) await interaction.response.send_modal(modal) async def setup(client: Didier): """Load the cog""" await client.add_cog(Owner(client))