import json from discord import SlashCommandGroup from discord.ext import commands from discord.commands import slash_command, ApplicationContext, Option, AutocompleteContext from data import schedule from import load_courses, find_course_from_name from import Menu from data.embeds.deadlines import Deadlines from data.menus import leaderboards from functions import les, config from functions.stringFormatters import capitalize from functions.timeFormatters import skip_weekends from startup.didier import Didier # Preload autocomplete constants to allow for smoother results courses = load_courses() days = ["Morgen", "Overmorgen", "Maandag", "Dinsdag", "Woensdag", "Donderdag", "Vrijdag"] def day_autocomplete(ctx: AutocompleteContext) -> list[str]: return [day for day in days if day.lower().startswith(ctx.value.lower())] def course_autocomplete(ctx: AutocompleteContext) -> list[str]: return [course for course in courses if course.lower().startswith(ctx.value.lower())] class SchoolSlash(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client: Didier): self.client: Didier = client @slash_command(name="eten", description="Menu in de UGent resto's op een bepaalde dag") async def _food_slash(self, ctx: ApplicationContext, dag: Option(str, description="Dag", required=False, default=None, autocomplete=day_autocomplete) ): embed = Menu(dag).to_embed() await ctx.respond(embed=embed) @slash_command(name="deadlines", description="Aanstaande deadlines") async def _deadlines_slash(self, ctx: ApplicationContext): embed = Deadlines().to_embed() await ctx.respond(embed=embed) @slash_command(name="les", description="Lessenrooster voor [Dag] (default vandaag)",) async def _schedule_slash(self, ctx: ApplicationContext, dag: Option(str, description="Dag", required=False, default=None, autocomplete=day_autocomplete) ): """It's late and I really don't want to refactor the original right now""" if dag is not None: dag = dag.lower() date = les.find_target_date(dag) # Person explicitly requested a weekend-day if dag is not None and dag.lower() in ("morgen", "overmorgen") and date.weekday() > 4: return await ctx.respond(f"{capitalize(dag)} is het weekend.", ephemeral=True) date = skip_weekends(date) s = schedule.Schedule(date, int(config.get("year")), int(config.get("semester")), dag is not None) if s.semester_over: return await ctx.respond("Het semester is afgelopen.", ephemeral=True) # DM only shows user's own minor if ctx.guild is None: minor_roles = [*schedule.find_minor(self.client,] return await ctx.respond(embed=s.create_schedule(minor_roles=minor_roles).to_embed()) return await ctx.respond(embed=s.create_schedule().to_embed()) @slash_command(name="fiche", description="Zoek de studiefiche voor een vak.") async def _study_guide_slash(self, ctx: ApplicationContext, vak: Option(str, description="Naam van het vak. Afkortingen werken ook, maar worden niet geautocompletet.", required=True, autocomplete=course_autocomplete)): # Find code corresponding to the search query course = find_course_from_name(vak, courses) # Code not found if course is None: return await ctx.respond(f"Onbekend vak: \"{vak}\".", ephemeral=True) # Get the guide for the current year year = 2018 + int(config.get("year")) return await ctx.respond(f"{course.code}/{year}") _compbio_group = SlashCommandGroup("compbio", "Commands voor compbio opdrachten") @_compbio_group.command(name="leaderboard", description="Gesorteerd en ingevuld leaderboard") async def _compbio_lb_slash(self, ctx: ApplicationContext): lb = leaderboards.CompbioLeaderboard(ctx) await lb.respond() @_compbio_group.command(name="submit", description="Link een Dodona-submission aan jouw username") async def _compbio_submit_slash(self, ctx: ApplicationContext, submission: Option(int, description="Id van je Dodona indiening.", required=True)): with open("files/compbio_benchmarks_2.json", "r") as fp: file = json.load(fp) submission = str(submission) if submission in file: return await ctx.respond("❌ Deze submission is al aan iemand gelinkt.", ephemeral=True) with open("files/compbio_benchmarks_2.json", "w") as fp: file[submission] = json.dump(file, fp) return await ctx.respond(f"✅ Submission **{submission}** is aan jouw naam gelinkt.", ephemeral=True) def setup(client: Didier): client.add_cog(SchoolSlash(client))