import traceback import discord.ui from overrides import overrides from database.crud.bookmarks import create_bookmark from database.exceptions import DuplicateInsertException, ForbiddenNameException from didier import Didier __all__ = ["CreateBookmark"] class CreateBookmark(discord.ui.Modal, title="Create Bookmark"): """Modal to create a bookmark""" client: Didier jump_url: str name: discord.ui.TextInput = discord.ui.TextInput(label="Name", style=discord.TextStyle.short, required=True) def __init__(self, client: Didier, jump_url: str, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.client = client self.jump_url = jump_url @overrides async def on_submit(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): await interaction.response.defer(ephemeral=True) label = try: async with self.client.postgres_session as session: bm = await create_bookmark(session,, label, self.jump_url) return await interaction.followup.send( f"Bookmark `{label}` successfully created (`#{bm.bookmark_id}`)." ) except DuplicateInsertException: # Label is already in use return await interaction.followup.send(f"You already have a bookmark named `{label}`.") except ForbiddenNameException: # Label isn't allowed return await interaction.followup.send(f"Bookmarks cannot be named `{label}`.") @overrides async def on_error(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, error: Exception): # type: ignore await interaction.followup.send("Something went wrong.", ephemeral=True) traceback.print_tb(error.__traceback__)