import inspect import re from typing import Mapping, Optional, Type import discord from discord.ext import commands from overrides import overrides from didier import Didier from didier.utils.discord.colours import error_red from didier.utils.discord.flags import PosixFlags from didier.utils.types.string import re_find_all, re_replace_with_list class CustomHelpCommand(commands.MinimalHelpCommand): """Customised Help command that overrides the default implementation The default is ugly as hell, so we do some fiddling with it and put everything in fancy embeds """ @overrides async def command_callback(self, ctx: commands.Context, /, *, command: Optional[str] = None): """Slightly modify the original command_callback to better suit my needs""" # No argument provided: send a list of all cogs if command is None: mapping = self.get_bot_mapping() return await self.send_bot_help(mapping) command = command.lower() # Hide cogs the user is not allowed to see cogs = list( cogs = await self._filter_cogs(cogs) # Allow fetching cogs case-insensitively cog = self._get_cog(cogs, command) if cog is not None: return await self.send_cog_help(cog) # Traverse tree of commands keys = command.split(" ") current_command =[0]) # No command found if current_command is None: return await self.send_error_message(self.command_not_found(keys[0])) # Look for subcommands for key in keys[1:]: try: found = current_command.all_commands.get(key) # type: ignore except AttributeError: return await self.send_error_message(self.subcommand_not_found(current_command, key)) else: if found is None: return await self.send_error_message(self.subcommand_not_found(current_command, key)) current_command = found if isinstance(current_command, commands.Group): return await self.send_group_help(current_command) else: return await self.send_command_help(current_command) @overrides def command_not_found(self, string: str, /) -> str: return f"Found no command named `{string}`." @overrides def get_command_signature(self, command: commands.Command, /) -> str: signature_list = [] # Perform renaming for hybrid commands if hasattr(command.callback, "__discord_app_commands_param_rename__"): renames = command.callback.__discord_app_commands_param_rename__ else: renames = {} sig = command.params for name, param in sig.items(): name = renames.get(name, name) is_optional = param.default is not param.empty # Wrap optional arguments in square brackets if is_optional: name = f"[{name}]" # If there are options/flags, add them # The hardcoded name-check is done for performance reasons if name == "flags" and inspect.isclass(param.annotation) and issubclass(param.annotation, PosixFlags): signature_list.append("[--OPTIONS]") else: signature_list.append(name) return " ".join(signature_list) @overrides async def send_bot_help(self, mapping: Mapping[Optional[commands.Cog], list[commands.Command]], /): embed = self._help_embed_base("Categories") filtered_cogs = await self._filter_cogs(list(mapping.keys())) embed.description = "\n".join(list(map(lambda cog: cog.qualified_name, filtered_cogs))) await self.context.reply(embed=embed, mention_author=False) @overrides async def send_cog_help(self, cog: commands.Cog, /): embed = self._help_embed_base(cog.qualified_name) embed.description = cog.description commands_names = list(map(lambda c: c.qualified_name, cog.get_commands())) commands_names.sort() embed.add_field(name="Commands", value=", ".join(commands_names), inline=False) return await self.context.reply(embed=embed, mention_author=False) @overrides async def send_command_help(self, command: commands.Command, /): embed = self._help_embed_base(command.qualified_name) self._add_command_help(embed, command) return await self.context.reply(embed=embed, mention_author=False) @overrides async def send_group_help(self, group: commands.Group, /): embed = self._help_embed_base(group.qualified_name) if group.invoke_without_command: self._add_command_help(embed, group) subcommand_names = list(map(lambda c:, group.commands)) subcommand_names.sort() embed.add_field(name="Subcommands", value=", ".join(subcommand_names)) return await self.context.reply(embed=embed, mention_author=False) @overrides async def send_error_message(self, error: str, /): embed = discord.Embed(colour=error_red(), title="Help", description=error) return await self.context.reply(embed=embed, mention_author=False) @overrides def subcommand_not_found(self, command: commands.Command, string: str, /) -> str: return f"Found no subcommand named `{string}` for command `{command.qualified_name}`." def _help_embed_base(self, title: str) -> discord.Embed: """Create the base structure for the embeds that get sent with the Help commands""" embed = discord.Embed(title=title.title(), return embed def _clean_command_doc(self, command: commands.Command) -> str: """Clean up a help docstring This will strip out single newlines, because these are only there for readability and line length. These are instead replaced with spaces. Code in codeblocks is ignored, as it is used to create examples. """ description = codeblocks = re_find_all(r"\n?```.*?```", description, flags=re.DOTALL) # Regex borrowed from description = re.sub( r"([^\S\n]*\n(?:[^\S\n]*\n)+[^\S\n]*)|[^\S\n]*\n[^\S\n]*", lambda x: or " ", description ) # Replace codeblocks with their original form if codeblocks: description = re_replace_with_list(r"```.*?```", description, codeblocks) # Add flag help in flags_class = self._get_flags_class(command) if flags_class is not None: description += f"\n\n{self.get_flags_help(flags_class)}" return description def _add_command_help(self, embed: discord.Embed, command: commands.Command): """Add command-related information to an embed This allows re-using this logic for Group commands that can be invoked by themselves. """ embed.description = self._clean_command_doc(command) signature = self.get_command_signature(command) embed.add_field(name="Signature", value=signature, inline=False) if command.aliases: embed.add_field(name="Aliases", value=", ".join(sorted(command.aliases)), inline=False) def _get_cog(self, cogs: list[commands.Cog], name: str) -> Optional[commands.Cog]: """Try to find a cog, case-insensitively""" for cog in cogs: if cog.qualified_name.lower() == name: return cog return None async def _filter_cogs(self, cogs: list[commands.Cog]) -> list[commands.Cog]: """Filter the list of cogs down to all those that the user can see""" async def _predicate(cog: Optional[commands.Cog]) -> bool: if cog is None: return False # Remove cogs that we never want to see in the help page because they # don't contain commands, or shouldn't be visible at all if not cog.get_commands(): return False if cog.qualified_name.lower() in ("tasks", "debugcog"): return False # Hide owner-only cogs if you're not the owner if not await return cog.qualified_name.lower() not in ("owner",) return True # Filter list of cogs down filtered_cogs = [cog for cog in cogs if await _predicate(cog)] return list(sorted(filtered_cogs, key=lambda cog: cog.qualified_name)) def _get_flags_class(self, command: commands.Command) -> Optional[Type[PosixFlags]]: """Check if a command has flags""" flag_param = command.params.get("flags") if flag_param is None: return None if issubclass(flag_param.annotation, PosixFlags): return flag_param.annotation return None def get_flags_help(self, flags_class: Type[PosixFlags]) -> str: """Get the description for flag arguments""" help_data = [] # Present flags in alphabetical order, as dicts have no set ordering flag_mapping = flags_class.__commands_flags__ flags = list(flag_mapping.items()) flags.sort(key=lambda f: f[0]) for name, flag in flags: flag_names = [name, *flag.aliases] # Add the --prefix in front of all flags flag_names = list(map(lambda n: f"--{n}", flag_names)) help_data.append(f"{', '.join(flag_names)} [default `{flag.default}`]") return "Options:\n" + "\n".join(help_data) async def setup(client: Didier): """Load the cog""" help_str = ( "Shows the help page for a category or command. " "`/commands` are not included, as they already have built-in descriptions in the UI." "\n\nThe command signatures follow the POSIX-standard format for help messages:" "\n- `required_positional_argument`" "\n- `[optional_positional_argument]`" ) attributes = {"aliases": ["h", "man"], "usage": "[category or command]", "help": help_str} client.help_command = CustomHelpCommand(command_attrs=attributes)