from converters.numbers import Abbreviated from decorators import help import discord from discord.ext import commands from enums.help_categories import Category from functions import checks, timeFormatters from functions.database import currency import requests class Bitcoin(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client # Don't allow any commands to work when locked def cog_check(self, ctx): return not self.client.locked"Bitcoin", aliases=["Bc"], case_insensitive=True, invoke_without_command=True) @commands.check(checks.allowedChannels) @help.Category(category=Category.Currency) async def bc(self, ctx): """ Command that shows your Bitcoin bank. :param ctx: Discord Context """ price = self.getPrice() bc = float(currency.getOrAddUser([8]) currentTime = timeFormatters.dateTimeNow() currentTimeFormatted = currentTime.strftime('%m/%d/%Y om %H:%M:%S') # Create the embed embed = discord.Embed( embed.set_author(name="Bitcoin Bank van {}".format( embed.add_field(name="Aantal Bitcoins:", value="{:,}".format(round(bc, 8)), inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Huidige waarde:", value="{:,} Didier Dink{}" .format(round(bc * price, 8), checks.pluralS(bc * price)), inline=False) embed.set_footer(text="Huidige Bitcoin prijs: €{:,} ({})".format(price, str(currentTimeFormatted))) # Add the Bitcoin icon to the embed file = discord.File("files/images/bitcoin.png", filename="icon.png") embed.set_thumbnail(url="attachment://icon.png") await ctx.send(embed=embed, file=file) @bc.command(name="Price") async def price(self, ctx): """ Command that shows the current Bitcoin price. :param ctx: Discord Context """ price = self.getPrice() currentTime = timeFormatters.dateTimeNow() currentTimeFormatted = currentTime.strftime('%m/%d/%Y om %H:%M:%S') await ctx.send( "Huidige Bitcoin prijs: **€{:,}** ({}).".format(price, str(currentTimeFormatted))) @bc.command(name="Buy", usage="[Aantal]") async def buy(self, ctx, amount: Abbreviated): """ Command to buy Bitcoins. :param ctx: Discord Context :param amount: the amount of Bitcoins the user wants to buy """ resp = checks.isValidAmount(ctx, amount) # Not a valid amount: send the appropriate error message if not resp[0]: return await ctx.send(resp[1]) if amount == "all": amount = resp[1] # Calculate the amount of Bitcoins the user can buy with [amount] of Didier Dinks price = self.getPrice() purchased = round(float(amount) / price, 8) # Update the db currency.update(, "dinks", float(currency.dinks( - float(amount)) currency.update(, "bitcoins", float(currency.getOrAddUser([8]) + float(purchased)) await ctx.send("**{}** heeft **{:,}** Bitcoin{} gekocht voor **{:,}** Didier Dink{}!" .format(, purchased, checks.pluralS(purchased), round(float(amount)), checks.pluralS(amount))) @bc.command(name="Sell", usage="[Aantal]") async def sell(self, ctx, amount: Abbreviated): """ Command to sell Bitcoins. :param ctx: Discord Context :param amount: the amount of Bitcoins the user wants to sell """ if amount == "all": amount = float(currency.getOrAddUser([8]) try: amount = float(amount) if amount <= 0: raise ValueError bc = float(currency.getOrAddUser([8]) if bc == 0.0: # User has no Bitcoins await ctx.send("Je hebt geen Bitcoins, **{}**".format( elif amount > bc: # User is trying to sell more Bitcoins that he has await ctx.send("Je hebt niet genoeg Bitcoins om dit te doen, **{}**" .format( else: price = self.getPrice() dinks = float(currency.dinks( currency.update(, "bitcoins", bc - amount) currency.update(, "dinks", dinks + (price * amount)) await ctx.send("**{}** heeft **{:,}** Bitcoin{} verkocht voor **{:,}** Didier Dink{}!" .format(, round(amount, 8), checks.pluralS(amount), round((price * amount), 8), checks.pluralS(price * amount))) except ValueError: # Can't be parsed to float -> random string OR smaller than 0 await ctx.send("Geef een geldig bedrag op.") @bc.command(aliases=["Lb", "Leaderboards"], hidden=True) @help.Category(category=Category.Other) async def leaderboard(self, ctx): """ Command that shows the Bitcoin Leaderboard. Alias for Lb Bc. :param ctx: Discord Context """ # Call the appropriate leaderboard function await self.client.get_cog("Leaderboards").callLeaderboard("bitcoin", ctx) def getPrice(self): """ Function to get the current Bitcoin price. :return: the current Bitcoin price (float) """ result = requests.get("").json() currentPrice = result["bpi"]["EUR"]["rate_float"] return float(currentPrice) def setup(client): client.add_cog(Bitcoin(client))