from decorators import help import discord from discord.ext import commands from enums.help_categories import Category from functions import stringFormatters, checks from functions.database import faq class Faq(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client # Don't allow any commands to work when locked def cog_check(self, ctx): return not self.client.locked"FAQ", usage="[Categorie]* [@Personen]*", case_insensitive=True, invoke_without_command=True) @help.Category(category=Category.Other) async def faq(self, ctx, *args): """ Command group that controls the FAQ commands. When this command is invoked, it sends a list of valid categories. :param ctx: Discord Context :param args: args passed """ # A category was requested # This is not the cleanest but 80 subcommands is a bit much if len(args) != 0 and any("@" not in arg for arg in args): return await self.faqCategory(ctx, args) # List of all categories with the first letter capitalized resp = [stringFormatters.titleCase(cat[0]) for cat in faq.getCategories()] # Sort alphabetically resp.sort() # Create an embed with all the categories embed = discord.Embed( embed.set_author(name="FAQ Categorieën") embed.description = "\n".join(resp) # Check if the embed has to be sent to the user # or if the user tagged anyone if len(ctx.message.mentions) == 0: await else: embed.set_footer(text="Doorgestuurd door {}".format( # Send it to everyone that was mentioned for person in ctx.message.mentions: if not await person.send(embed=embed) @faq.command(hidden=True, name="Add", usage="[Category] [Question]* [Answer]*") @commands.check(checks.isMe) async def add(self, ctx, category, question=None, answer=None, answer_markdown=None): """ Command to add a FAQ to the database :param ctx: Discord Context :param category: the category to add the FAQ to :param question: the question :param answer: the answer :param answer_markdown: a version of the answer with markdown applied """ # Add a new category if question is None or answer is None: faq.addCategory(category) await ctx.send("**{}** is toegevoegd.".format(category)) else: # Add a new question/answer couple to a category faq.addQuestion(category, question, answer, answer_markdown) await ctx.send("``{}\n{}`` is toegevoegd in {}.".format(question, answer, category)) # Quotes a specific line of the fac instead of DM'ing the entire thing @faq.command(name="Quote", aliases=["Q"], usage="[Categorie] [Index]") @help.Category(category=Category.Other) async def quote(self, ctx, category, index): """ Command that quotes 1 line of the FAQ into the current channel. :param ctx: Discord Context :param category: the category of the FAQ :param index: the index in the list to quote :return:y """ # Check if a (valid) number was passed try: index = int(index) if index < 1: raise ValueError except ValueError: await ctx.send("Dit is geen geldig getal.") # Create a list of categories categories = [t[0] for t in faq.getCategories()] # Check if a valid category was passed if category.lower() not in categories: return await ctx.send("Dit is geen geldige categorie.") resp = faq.getCategory(category.lower()) # Check if this index exists in this category if len(resp) < index: return await ctx.send("Dit is geen geldig getal.") # Sort by entry Id resp.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[0])) await ctx.send("**{}**\n{}".format(resp[index - 1][2], resp[index - 1][3])) async def faqCategory(self, ctx, args): """ Function that sends everything from a category. :param ctx: Discord Context :param args: the args passed """ # Create a list of categories categories = [t[0] for t in faq.getCategories()] # Random word was passed as a category if not any(arg.lower() in categories for arg in args): return await self.sendErrorEmbed(ctx, "Dit is geen geldige categorie.") elif len(args) - len(ctx.message.mentions) != 1: # Multiple categories were requested, which is not allowed return await self.sendErrorEmbed(ctx, "Controleer je argumenten.") category = "" # Find the category the user requested for word in args: if word.lower() in categories: category = word break resp = faq.getCategory(category.lower()) # Sort by entry Id resp.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[0])) embed = discord.Embed( embed.set_author(name="FAQ {}".format(stringFormatters.titleCase(category))) # Add everything into the embed for i, pair in enumerate(resp): # Add custom markdown if it exists embed.add_field(name="#{}: {}".format(str(i + 1), pair[2]), value=pair[3] if pair[4] is None else pair[4], inline=False) # Check if anyone was tagged to send the embed to if len(ctx.message.mentions) == 0: await else: embed.set_footer(text="Doorgestuurd door {}".format( # Author tagged some people to send it to for person in ctx.message.mentions: await person.send(embed=embed) async def sendErrorEmbed(self, ctx, message: str): """ Function that sends an error embed. :param ctx: Discord Context :param message: the message to put in the embed """ embed = discord.Embed( embed.set_author(name="Error") embed.description = message await ctx.send(embed=embed) def setup(client): client.add_cog(Faq(client))