# Ignored Files A list of all ignored files with copy-pastable templates. Useful for when you want to work on commands that use these, for obvious reasons. Every file has a copy-pastable template to make it easy for you to use. These are usually files which would be overkill to make a PSQL table for. Other possibilities are files that are never edited, but should be different on every machine (Discord token, status message, ...). ### files/client.txt Contains the application's token to connect to Discord. You can create your own bot & put it's token in this file to run & test Didier code. token_goes_here ### files/database.json Contains the credentials needed to connect to the PSQL database. This is ignored so that I don't have to leak my IP address, but also so that you can set up a local database to mess around without affecting the Live one or having to change any code. ```json { "username": "username", "password": "password", "host": "host_address", "database": "database_name" } ``` When connecting to a local PSQL database, `host` should be `"localhost"`. ### files/hangman.json Contains info on the current Hangman game. ```json { "guessed": [], "guesses": 0, "word": "" } ``` ### files/lastTasks.json Contains timestamps for when every `task` in `cogs/tasks.py` ran for the last time. This makes sure it's been at least X amount of time between tasks (so that when the bot disconnects on an hour where the task should run, it doesn't run again). ```json { "birthdays": 0, "channels": 0, "interest": 0, "lost": 0, "prison": 0, "poke": 0, "remind": 0 } ``` ### files/locked.json Contains a boolean indicating whether or not the server is currently locked, and the timestamp indicating when the lock ends. ```json { "locked": false, "until": -1 } ``` ### files/readyMessage.txt Contains the message printed in your terminal when Didier is ready. I'M READY I'M READY I'M READY I'M READY In case you were wondering: yes, this is a Spongebob reference. ### files/stats.json Contains the stats to track for gambling games. Weren't made as a PSQL table because they would be too long (and every game is different). ```json { "cf": { "h": 0, "t": 0 }, "dice": { "1": 0, "2": 0, "3": 0, "4": 0, "5": 0, "6": 0 }, "rob": { "robs_success": 0, "robs_failed": 0, "bail_paid": 0.0 } } ``` ### files/status.txt Contains Didier's status message for when he logs in. Keep in mind that his activity is set to `Playing `. This was first used in Didier V1 to show whether or not he was in sandbox mode. with your Didier Dinks.