from discord.ext import commands from dislash import SlashInteraction, slash_command, Option, OptionType from data import schedule from import Menu from data.embeds.deadlines import Deadlines from functions import les, config from functions.stringFormatters import capitalize from functions.timeFormatters import skip_weekends from startup.didier import Didier class SchoolSlash(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client: Didier): self.client: Didier = client @slash_command( name="eten", description="Menu in de UGENT resto's op een bepaalde dag", options=[ Option( "dag", description="Dag", type=OptionType.STRING ) ] ) async def _food_slash(self, interaction: SlashInteraction, dag: str = None): embed = Menu(dag).to_embed() await interaction.reply(embed=embed) @slash_command(name="deadlines", description="Aanstaande deadlines") async def _deadlines_slash(self, interaction: SlashInteraction): embed = Deadlines().to_embed() await interaction.reply(embed=embed) @slash_command( name="les", description="Lessenrooster voor [Dag] (default vandaag)", options=[ Option( "dag", description="dag", type=OptionType.STRING, required=False ) ] ) async def _schedule_slash(self, interaction: SlashInteraction, day: str = None): """It's late and I really don't want to refactor the original right now""" if day is not None: day = day.lower() date = les.find_target_date(day) # Person explicitly requested a weekend-day if day is not None and day.lower() in ("morgen", "overmorgen") and date.weekday() > 4: return await interaction.reply(f"{capitalize(day)} is het weekend.", ephemeral=True) date = skip_weekends(date) s = schedule.Schedule(date, int(config.get("year")), int(config.get("semester")), day is not None) if s.semester_over: return await interaction.reply("Het semester is afgelopen.", ephemeral=True) # DM only shows user's own minor if interaction.guild is None: minor_roles = [*schedule.find_minor(self.client,] return await interaction.reply(embed=s.create_schedule(minor_roles=minor_roles).to_embed()) return await interaction.reply(embed=s.create_schedule().to_embed()) def setup(client: Didier): client.add_cog(SchoolSlash(client))