import datetime import pytest from freezegun import freeze_time from didier.utils.types.datetime import parse_dm_string, str_to_date @freeze_time("2022-08-20") def test_parse_dm_string_ddmm(): """Test parsing DD/MM""" result = parse_dm_string("23/08") assert (, result.month, result.year) == (23, 8, 2022) result = parse_dm_string("8/9") assert (, result.month, result.year) == (8, 9, 2022) def test_parse_dm_string_dm_too_long_raises(): """Test parsing DD/MM format when something longer is passed in""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): parse_dm_string("23/08/2022") def test_parse_dm_string_dm_garbage(): """Test parsing DD/MM format when something invalid is passed in""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): parse_dm_string("AC/DC") @freeze_time("2022-09-11") def test_parse_dm_string_semantic(): """Test parsing date strings in the [DAY] [MONTH] and [MONTH] [DAY] formats""" result = parse_dm_string("23rd november") assert (, result.month, result.year) == (23, 11, 2022) result = parse_dm_string("23 nov") assert (, result.month, result.year) == (23, 11, 2022) result = parse_dm_string("23ste november") assert (, result.month, result.year) == (23, 11, 2022) result = parse_dm_string("november 23rd") assert (, result.month, result.year) == (23, 11, 2022) result = parse_dm_string("nov 23") assert (, result.month, result.year) == (23, 11, 2022) def test_parse_dm_string_unparseable_raises(): """Test that any other input raises an error""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): parse_dm_string("WhateverThisMayBe") def test_str_to_date_single_valid(): """Test parsing a string for a single possibility (default)""" result = str_to_date("23/11/2001") assert result ==, month=11, day=23) def test_str_to_date_single_invalid(): """Test parsing a string for an invalid string""" # Invalid format with pytest.raises(ValueError): str_to_date("23/11/01") # Invalid date with pytest.raises(ValueError): str_to_date("69/42/0") def test_str_to_date_multiple_valid(): """Test parsing a string for multiple possibilities""" result = str_to_date("23/11/01", formats=["%d/%m/%Y", "%d/%m/%y"]) assert result ==, month=11, day=23) def test_str_to_date_multiple_invalid(): """Test parsing a string for multiple possibilities when none are valid""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): str_to_date("2001/01/02", formats=["%d/%m/%Y", "%d/%m/%y"])