
75 lines
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import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from data.embeds.snipe import EditSnipe, DeleteSnipe
from data.links import get_link_for
from data.menus import custom_commands
from data.snipe import Action, Snipe
from decorators import help
from enums.help_categories import Category
from functions.utils import reply_to_reference
from startup.didier import Didier
class Other(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, client: Didier):
self.client: Didier = client
# Don't allow any commands to work when locked
def cog_check(self, _):
return not self.client.locked
@commands.command(name="Link", usage="[Naam]")
async def link(self, ctx: commands.Context, name: str):
Send commonly used links
match = get_link_for(name)
if match is None:
return await ctx.reply(f"Geen match gevonden voor \"{name}\".", mention_author=False, delete_after=15)
await reply_to_reference(ctx, content=match)
async def list_custom(self, ctx):
Get a list of all custom commands
await custom_commands.CommandsList(ctx).send()
@commands.command(name="Join", usage="[Thread]")
async def join_thread(self, ctx, thread: discord.Thread):
Join threads
if thread.me is None:
await thread.join()
await ctx.message.add_reaction("")
async def snipe(self, ctx):
Shame people for editing & removing messages.
The dict is stored in memory so it will be cleared whenever the bot restarts.
if ctx.guild is None:
if ctx.channel.id not in self.client.snipe:
return await ctx.send("Er is hier niemand om uit te lachen.")
s: Snipe = self.client.snipe[ctx.channel.id]
embed_class = (EditSnipe(s) if s.action == Action.Edit else DeleteSnipe(s))
return await ctx.send(embed=embed_class.to_embed(self.client))
def setup(client):