
71 lines
2.6 KiB

from discord.ext import commands
from discord.commands import slash_command, ApplicationContext, Option, AutocompleteContext
from functions.database import memes
from functions.database.memes import getAllMemes
from data.embeds.xkcd import XKCDEmbed
from data.menus.memes import MemesList
from functions.memes import generate
from functions.stringFormatters import title_case
from startup.didier import Didier
all_memes = getAllMemes()
def autocomplete_memes(ctx: AutocompleteContext) -> list[str]:
starting = []
containing = []
val = ctx.value.lower()
# First show matches that start with this word, then matches that contain it
for meme in all_memes:
if meme[1].startswith(val):
elif val in meme[1]:
return [*starting, *containing]
class FunSlash(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, client: Didier):
self.client: Didier = client
@slash_command(name="xkcd", description="Zoek xkcd comics")
async def _xkcd_slash(self, ctx: ApplicationContext,
num: Option(int, description="Nummer van de comic (default de comic van vandaag).", required=False, default=None)
return await ctx.respond(embed=XKCDEmbed(num).create())
@slash_command(name="memes", description="Lijst van memegen-memes")
async def _memes_slash(self, ctx: ApplicationContext):
return await MemesList(ctx=ctx).respond()
@slash_command(name="memegen", description="Genereer memes")
async def _memegen_slash(self, ctx: ApplicationContext,
meme: Option(str, description="Naam van de template", required=True, autocomplete=autocomplete_memes),
field1: Option(str, required=True),
field2: Option(str, required=False, default=""),
field3: Option(str, required=False, default=""),
field4: Option(str, required=False, default="")):
# Get the meme info that corresponds to this name
result: memes.Meme = memes.getMeme(meme)
# No meme found
if result is None:
return await ctx.respond("Deze meme staat niet in de database.", ephemeral=True)
await ctx.response.defer()
fields = (field1, field2, field3, field4)
generated = generate(result, fields)
# Send generated meme or error message
await ctx.send_followup(generated["message"])
def setup(client: Didier):