
67 lines
2.2 KiB

from datetime import datetime
from discord import Embed, Colour
from functions.stringFormatters import leadingZero as lz
from functions.timeFormatters import intToWeekday
from markdownify import markdownify as md
import pytz
class UforaNotification:
def __init__(self, content: dict, course, notif_id, course_id):
self._content: dict = content
self._course = course
self._notif_id = notif_id
self._course_id = course_id
self._view_url = self._create_url()
self._title = self._clean_content(self._content["title"])
self._description = self._get_description()
self._published = self._get_published()
def to_embed(self):
embed = Embed(colour=Colour.from_rgb(30, 100, 200))
embed.title = self._title
embed.url = self._view_url
embed.description = self._description
return embed
def get_id(self):
return int(self._notif_id) if self._notif_id is not None else self._content["id"]
def _create_url(self):
if self._notif_id is None or self._course_id is None:
return self._content["link"]
return "https://ufora.ugent.be/d2l/le/news/{0}/{1}/view?ou={0}".format(self._course_id, self._notif_id)
def _get_description(self):
desc = self._clean_content(self._content["summary"])
if len(desc) > 4096:
return desc[:4093] + "..."
return desc
def _clean_content(self, text: str):
return md(text)
def _get_published(self):
# Datetime is unable to parse the timezone because it's useless
# We will hereby cut it out and pray the timezone will always be UTC+0
published = self._content["published"].rsplit(" ", 1)[0]
time_string = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"
dt = datetime.strptime(published, time_string)\
# Apply timezone offset in a hacky way
dt = dt + dt.utcoffset()
return "{} {}/{}/{} om {}:{}:{}".format(
lz(dt.day), lz(dt.month), lz(dt.year),
lz(dt.hour), lz(dt.minute), lz(dt.second)