
253 lines
9.1 KiB

import datetime
import discord
from functions import config, timeFormatters, stringFormatters
from functions.numbers import clamp
import json
def createCourseString(courses):
courseString = ""
for course in sorted(courses, key=lambda item: item["slot"]["time"][1]):
# Add a ":" to the hour + add a leading "0" if needed
start = timeFormatters.timeFromInt(course["slot"]["time"][1])
end = timeFormatters.timeFromInt(course["slot"]["time"][2])
courseString += "{} - {}: {} {}\n".format(start, end,
str(course["course"]), getLocation(course["slot"]))
return courseString
def createEmbed(day, dayDatetime, semester, year, schedule):
# Create a date object to check the current week
startDate = 1600041600
currentTime = dayDatetime.timestamp()
week = clamp(timeFormatters.timeIn(currentTime - startDate, "weeks")[0], 1, 13)
title, week = getTitle(day, dayDatetime, week)
# Add all courses & their corresponding times + locations of today
courses, extras, prev, online = getCourses(schedule, day, week)
embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.blue(), title=title)
embed.set_author(name="Lessenrooster voor {}{} Bachelor".format(year, "ste" if year == 1 else "de"))
if len(courses) == 0:
embed.add_field(name="Geen Les", value="Geen Les", inline=False)
courseString = createCourseString(courses)
courseString += "\nGroep {} heeft vandaag online les.".format(1 if week % 2 == 0 else 2)
embed.description = courseString
if prev:
embed.add_field(name="Vakken uit vorige jaren", value=createCourseString(prev), inline=False)
if extras:
embed.add_field(name="Extra", value="\n".join(getExtras(extra) for extra in extras), inline=False)
# Add online links
if online:
embed.add_field(name="Online Links", value="\n".join(getLink(onlineClass) for onlineClass in online))
embed.set_footer(text="Semester {} | Lesweek {}".format(semester, round(week)))
return embed
def findDate(targetWeekday):
now = timeFormatters.dateTimeNow()
while now.weekday() != targetWeekday:
now = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
return now
def getCourses(schedule, day, week):
# Add all courses & their corresponding times + locations of today
courses = []
extras = []
prev = []
onlineLinks = []
for course in schedule:
for slot in course["slots"]:
if day in slot["time"]:
classDic = {"course": course["course"], "slot": slot}
# Class was canceled
if "canceled" in slot and "weeks" in slot and week in slot["weeks"]:
# Add online links for those at home
if not any(el["course"] == course["course"] for el in onlineLinks):
if "bongo" in course:
onlineDic = {"course": course["course"], "online": "Bongo Virtual Classroom", "link": course["bongo"]}
elif "zoom" in course:
onlineDic = {"course": course["course"], "online": "Zoom", "link": course["zoom"]}
# Add this class' bongo & zoom links
if "bongo" in course:
classDic["slot"]["bongo"] = course["bongo"]
if "zoom" in course:
classDic["slot"]["zoom"] = course["zoom"]
if "custom" in course:
# Check for special classes
if "weeks" in slot and "online" not in slot:
if week in slot["weeks"]:
if "custom" not in course:
elif "weeks" in slot and "online" in slot and "group" not in slot:
if week in slot["weeks"]:
if "custom" not in course:
if "custom" not in course:
# Filter out normal courses that are replaced with special courses
for extra in extras:
for course in courses:
if course["slot"]["time"] == extra["slot"]["time"] and course != extra:
# Sort online links alphabetically
onlineLinks.sort(key=lambda x: x["course"])
# Remove links of canceled classes
for element in onlineLinks:
if not any(c["course"] == element["course"] for c in courses):
return courses, extras, prev, onlineLinks
def getExtras(extra):
start = timeFormatters.timeFromInt(extra["slot"]["time"][1])
end = timeFormatters.timeFromInt(extra["slot"]["time"][2])
location = getLocation(extra["slot"])
if "canceled" in extra["slot"]:
return "De les **{}** van **{}** tot **{}** gaat vandaag uitzonderlijk **niet** door.".format(
extra["course"], start, end
if "group" in extra["slot"]:
return "**Groep {}** heeft vandaag uitzonderlijk **{}** **{}** van **{} tot {}**.".format(
extra["slot"]["group"], extra["course"], location,
start, end
elif "online" in extra["slot"]:
return "**{}** gaat vandaag uitzonderlijk online door {} van **{} tot {}**.".format(
extra["course"], location[7:],
start, end
return "**{}** vindt vandaag uitzonderlijk plaats **{}** van **{} tot {}**.".format(
extra["course"], location,
start, end
def getLink(onlineClass):
return "{}: **[{}]({})**".format(onlineClass["course"], onlineClass["online"], onlineClass["link"])
def getLocation(slot):
if "canceled" in slot:
return None
if "online" in slot:
return "online @ **[{}]({})**".format(slot["online"], slot["zoom"] if slot["online"] == "ZOOM" else slot["bongo"])
# Check for courses in multiple locations
if "locations" in slot:
# Language - 'en' for the last one
return ", ".join(getLocation(location) for location in slot["locations"][:-1]) \
+ " en " + getLocation(slot["locations"][-1])
return "in {} {} {}".format(slot["campus"], slot["building"], slot["room"])
def getSchedule(semester, year):
with open("files/schedules/{}{}.json".format(year, semester), "r") as fp:
schedule = json.load(fp)
return schedule
def getTitle(day, dayDT, week):
# now = timeFormatters.dateTimeNow()
# if timeFormatters.weekdayToInt(day) < now.weekday():
# week += 1
day = day[0].upper() + day[1:].lower()
titleString = "{} {}/{}/{}".format(day, stringFormatters.leadingZero(dayDT.day),
stringFormatters.leadingZero(dayDT.month), dayDT.year)
return titleString, week
# Returns the day of the week, while keeping track of weekends
def getWeekDay(day=None):
weekDays = ["maandag", "dinsdag", "woensdag", "donderdag", "vrijdag"]
# Get current day of the week
dayNumber = datetime.datetime.today().weekday()
# If a day or a modifier was passed, show that day instead
if day is not None:
if day[0] == "morgen":
dayNumber += 1
elif day[0] == "overmorgen":
dayNumber += 2
for i in range(5):
if weekDays[i].startswith(day):
dayNumber = i
# Weekends should be skipped
dayNumber = dayNumber % 7
if dayNumber > 4:
dayNumber = 0
# Get daystring
return dayNumber, weekDays[dayNumber]
def parseArgs(day):
semester = int(config.get("semester"))
year = int(config.get("year"))
years_counter = int(config.get("years"))
# Check if a schedule or a day was called
if len(day) == 0:
day = []
# Only either of them was passed
if len(day) == 1:
# Called a schedule
if day[0].isdigit():
if 0 < int(day[0]) < years_counter + 1:
year = int(day[0])
day = []
return [False, "Dit is geen geldige jaargang."]
# elif: calling a weekday is automatically handled below,
# so checking is obsolete
# Both were passed
if day[0].isdigit():
if 0 < int(day[0]) < years_counter + 1:
year = int(day[0])
day = []
return [False, "Dit is geen geldige jaargang."]
# Cut the schedule from the string
day = day[1:]
day = getWeekDay(None if len(day) == 0 else day)[1]
dayDatetime = findDate(timeFormatters.weekdayToInt(day))
return [True, day, dayDatetime, semester, year]