
124 lines
3.9 KiB

import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import Optional, cast
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Tag
from didier.data.scrapers.common import GameStorePage, parse_open_graph_tags
__all__ = ["get_steam_webpage_info"]
class _PriceInfo:
# These are strings because they aren't used as floats,
# and this avoids possible rounding errors
original_price: str
discounted_price: str
discount_percentage: Optional[str]
def __post_init__(self):
"""Fix the price formats"""
self.original_price = "" + self.original_price.replace(",--", ",00").removesuffix("")
self.discounted_price = "" + self.discounted_price.replace(",--", ",00").removesuffix("")
if self.discounted_price == "€0,00":
self.discounted_price = "Free"
def _shorten_url(url: str) -> str:
match = re.search(r"https://store.steampowered.com/app/(\d+)/", url)
if match is None or not match.groups():
return url
return f"https://s.team/a/{match.groups()[0]}/"
def _parse_xdg_open_url(url: str) -> Optional[str]:
match = re.search(r"/app/(\d+)/", url)
if match is None or match.group() is None:
return None
return f"steam://store/{match.group()}"
def _get_steam_discounts(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> Optional[_PriceInfo]:
discount_wrapper_tag = soup.find("div", class_="discount_block")
if discount_wrapper_tag is None:
return None
discount_wrapper_tag = cast(Tag, discount_wrapper_tag)
# Parsing the original (non-discounted) price
original_price_tag = discount_wrapper_tag.find("div", class_="discount_original_price")
if original_price_tag is None:
return None
original_price_tag = cast(Tag, original_price_tag)
original_price = original_price_tag.text
if original_price is None:
return None
# Parsing the discounted price
discounted_price_tag = discount_wrapper_tag.find("div", class_="discount_final_price")
if discounted_price_tag is None:
return None
discounted_price_tag = cast(Tag, discounted_price_tag)
discounted_price = discounted_price_tag.text
if discounted_price is None:
return None
percentage_tag = discount_wrapper_tag.find("div", class_="discount_pct")
if percentage_tag is None:
percentage = None
percentage = percentage_tag.text
return _PriceInfo(original_price=original_price, discounted_price=discounted_price, discount_percentage=percentage)
def _clean_title(title: str) -> str:
match = re.search(r"Save [\d,]+% on (.*) on Steam", title)
if match is None or not match.groups():
return title
return match.groups()[0]
async def get_steam_webpage_info(http_session: ClientSession, url: str) -> Optional[GameStorePage]:
"""Scrape a Steam page"""
# If not currently on a Steam page, follow a redirect chain until you are
if not url.startswith("https://store.steampowered.com/"):
async with http_session.head(url, allow_redirects=True) as response:
url = str(response.url)
async with http_session.get(url) as response:
if response.status != HTTPStatus.OK:
return None
page = await response.text()
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, "html.parser")
page_tags = parse_open_graph_tags(soup)
if page_tags is None:
return None
if page_tags.url is None:
page_tags.url = url
page_tags.title = _clean_title(page_tags.title)
page_tags.url = _shorten_url(page_tags.url)
page_tags.xdg_open_url = _parse_xdg_open_url(page_tags.url)
price_info = _get_steam_discounts(soup)
if price_info is not None:
page_tags.original_price = price_info.original_price
page_tags.discounted_price = price_info.discounted_price
page_tags.discount_percentage = price_info.discount_percentage
return page_tags