Go to file
stijndcl 88bbb9773f Only allow author to stop menu pages 2022-09-02 01:27:17 +02:00
.github Remove mongo from CI 2022-08-29 21:20:15 +02:00
alembic Creating bookmarks + message command 2022-08-30 01:32:46 +02:00
database Fix typing 2022-09-01 01:26:46 +02:00
didier Only allow author to stop menu pages 2022-09-02 01:27:17 +02:00
files/dictionaries Fix broken time formatting, remove word field 2022-07-26 21:48:50 +02:00
tests Add missing await 2022-08-29 21:16:31 +02:00
.pre-commit-config.yaml Remove mongo & fix tests 2022-08-29 20:24:42 +02:00
docker-compose.test.yml Remove mongo & fix tests 2022-08-29 20:24:42 +02:00
docker-compose.yml Remove mongo & fix tests 2022-08-29 20:24:42 +02:00
main.py Make fancy functions for database & http stuff, meme preview 2022-08-26 20:02:54 +02:00
pyproject.toml Remove mongo & fix tests 2022-08-29 20:24:42 +02:00
readme.md Add OS info to dev readme 2022-08-29 01:17:06 +02:00
requirements-dev.txt Fix bug, add autocomplete, make cache autocompletion slightly cleaner 2022-08-13 01:10:50 +02:00
requirements.txt Remove mongo & fix tests 2022-08-29 20:24:42 +02:00
settings.py Remove mongo & fix tests 2022-08-29 20:24:42 +02:00




You bet. The time has come.


Didier uses Python 3.9.5, as specified in the .python-version-file. This file will cause pyenv to automatically use the correct version when you're working on Didier.

# Installing Python 3.9.5 through pyenv
pyenv install 3.9.5

# Creating a Virtual Environment and activate it
# PyCharm will automatically activate your venv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

# Installing dependencies + development dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt

# Installing pre-commit hooks
pre-commit install

The database can be managed easily using Docker Compose. If you want to, however, you can run a regular PostgreSQL server and connect to that instead.

A separate database is used in the tests, as it would obviously not be ideal when tests randomly wipe your database.

# Starting the database
docker compose up -d

# Starting the database used in tests
docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up -d


All of these are Python tools. Depending on your OS and configuration, you may have to prefix them with python3 -m.

# Starting Didier
python3 main.py

# Running database migrations
alembic upgrade head

# Creating a new database migration
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Revision message here"

# Running tests

# Running tests with Coverage
coverage run -m pytest
# Generating code coverage report
coverage html

# Running code quality checks

It's also convenient to have code-formatting happen automatically on-save. The Black documentation explains how to set this up for different types of editors.