
79 lines
2.5 KiB

import random
from typing import Annotated, Optional, Union
from discord.ext import commands
from database.crud.cf_stats import update_cf_stats
from database.crud.currency import gamble_dinks
from didier import Didier
from didier.utils.discord.converters import abbreviated_number
from didier.utils.types.string import pluralize
class Gambling(commands.Cog):
"""Cog for various games"""
client: Didier
def __init__(self, client: Didier):
self.client = client
@commands.max_concurrency(1, commands.BucketType.user, wait=True)
@commands.command(name="coinflip", aliases=["cf", "flip"]) # type: ignore[arg-type]
async def coinflip(
ctx: commands.Context,
amount: Optional[Annotated[Union[str, int], abbreviated_number]] = None,
guess: Optional[str] = None,
"""Toss a coin, optionally wagering some Didier Dinks.
Passing an argument for `amount` but not `guess` will cause the guess to be randomized.
result: str = random.choice(["heads", "tails"])
# No stakes
if amount is None:
return await ctx.reply(f"{result.capitalize()}!", mention_author=False)
if guess is None:
guess = random.choice(["heads", "tails"])
guess = guess.lower()
if guess not in (
return await ctx.reply('Guess must be one of "h", "heads", "t" or "tails".', mention_author=False)
if isinstance(amount, int) and amount <= 0:
return await ctx.reply(
"Amount of Didier Dinks to wager must be a strictly positive integer.", mention_author=False
won = guess[0] == result[0]
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
received = await gamble_dinks(session, ctx.author.id, amount, 2, won)
if received == 0:
return await ctx.reply("You don't have any Didier Dinks to wager.", mention_author=False)
sign = 1 if won else -1
await update_cf_stats(session, ctx.author.id, received * sign)
plural = pluralize("Didier Dink", received)
if won:
await ctx.reply(f"{result.capitalize()}! You won **{received}** {plural}!", mention_author=False)
await ctx.reply(f"{result.capitalize()}! You lost **{received}** {plural}!", mention_author=False)
async def setup(client: Didier):
"""Load the cog"""
await client.add_cog(Gambling(client))