
294 lines
13 KiB

# flake8: noqa: E800
import asyncio
import math
import random
import typing
from datetime import timedelta
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import settings
from database.crud import currency as crud
from database.crud.jail import get_user_jail, imprison
from database.exceptions.currency import DoubleNightly, NotEnoughDinks
from database.utils.math.currency import (
from didier import Didier
from didier.utils.discord import colours
from didier.utils.discord.checks import is_owner
from didier.utils.discord.converters import abbreviated_number
from didier.utils.types.datetime import tz_aware_now
from didier.utils.types.string import pluralize
class Currency(commands.Cog):
"""Everything Dinks-related."""
client: Didier
_rob_lock: asyncio.Lock
def __init__(self, client: Didier):
self.client = client
self._rob_lock = asyncio.Lock()
@commands.command(name="award") # type: ignore[arg-type]
async def award(
ctx: commands.Context,
user: discord.User,
amount: typing.Annotated[int, abbreviated_number],
"""Award a user `amount` Didier Dinks."""
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
await crud.add_dinks(session, user.id, amount)
plural = pluralize("Didier Dink", amount)
await ctx.reply(
f"{ctx.author.display_name} has awarded **{user.display_name}** with **{amount}** {plural}.",
@commands.group(name="bank", aliases=["b"], case_insensitive=True, invoke_without_command=True)
async def bank(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Show your Didier Bank information."""
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
bank = await crud.get_bank(session, ctx.author.id)
embed = discord.Embed(title="Bank of Didier", colour=discord.Colour.blue())
if ctx.author.avatar is not None:
embed.add_field(name="Interest level", value=bank.interest_level)
embed.add_field(name="Capacity level", value=bank.capacity_level)
embed.add_field(name="Currently invested", value=bank.invested, inline=False)
await ctx.reply(embed=embed, mention_author=False)
@bank.group( # type: ignore[arg-type]
name="upgrade", aliases=["u", "upgrades"], case_insensitive=True, invoke_without_command=True
async def bank_upgrades(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""List the upgrades you can buy & their prices."""
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
bank = await crud.get_bank(session, ctx.author.id)
embed = discord.Embed(title="Bank upgrades", colour=discord.Colour.blue())
name=f"Interest ({bank.interest_level})", value=str(interest_upgrade_price(bank.interest_level))
name=f"Capacity ({bank.capacity_level})", value=str(capacity_upgrade_price(bank.capacity_level))
embed.add_field(name=f"Rob ({bank.rob_level})", value=str(rob_upgrade_price(bank.rob_level)))
embed.set_footer(text="Didier Bank Upgrade [Category]")
await ctx.reply(embed=embed, mention_author=False)
@bank_upgrades.command(name="capacity", aliases=["c"]) # type: ignore[arg-type]
async def bank_upgrade_capacity(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Upgrade the capacity level of your bank."""
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
await crud.upgrade_capacity(session, ctx.author.id)
await ctx.message.add_reaction("")
except NotEnoughDinks:
await ctx.reply("You don't have enough Didier Dinks to do this.", mention_author=False)
await self.client.reject_message(ctx.message)
@bank_upgrades.command(name="interest", aliases=["i"]) # type: ignore[arg-type]
async def bank_upgrade_interest(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Upgrade the interest level of your bank."""
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
await crud.upgrade_interest(session, ctx.author.id)
await ctx.message.add_reaction("")
except NotEnoughDinks:
await ctx.reply("You don't have enough Didier Dinks to do this.", mention_author=False)
await self.client.reject_message(ctx.message)
@bank_upgrades.command(name="rob", aliases=["r"]) # type: ignore[arg-type]
async def bank_upgrade_rob(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Upgrade the rob level of your bank."""
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
await crud.upgrade_rob(session, ctx.author.id)
await ctx.message.add_reaction("")
except NotEnoughDinks:
await ctx.reply("You don't have enough Didier Dinks to do this.", mention_author=False)
await self.client.reject_message(ctx.message)
@commands.hybrid_command(name="dinks") # type: ignore[arg-type]
async def dinks(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Check your Didier Dinks."""
async with ctx.typing(), self.client.postgres_session as session:
bank = await crud.get_bank(session, ctx.author.id)
plural = pluralize("Didier Dink", bank.dinks)
await ctx.reply(f"You have **{bank.dinks}** {plural}.", mention_author=False)
@commands.command(name="invest", aliases=["deposit", "dep", "i"]) # type: ignore[arg-type]
async def invest(self, ctx: commands.Context, amount: typing.Annotated[typing.Union[str, int], abbreviated_number]):
"""Invest `amount` Didier Dinks into your bank.
The `amount`-argument can take both raw numbers, and abbreviations of big numbers. Additionally, passing
`all` or `*` as the value will invest all of your Didier Dinks.
Example usage:
didier invest all
didier invest 500
didier invest 25k
didier invest 5.3b
if isinstance(amount, int) and amount <= 0:
return await ctx.reply("Amount of Didier Dinks to invest must be a strictly positive integer.")
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
invested = await crud.invest(session, ctx.author.id, amount)
plural = pluralize("Didier Dink", invested)
if invested == 0:
await ctx.reply("You don't have any Didier Dinks to invest.", mention_author=False)
await ctx.reply(f"You have invested **{invested}** {plural}.", mention_author=False)
@commands.command(name="withdraw", aliases=["uninvest", "w"]) # type: ignore[arg-type]
async def withdraw(
self, ctx: commands.Context, amount: typing.Annotated[typing.Union[str, int], abbreviated_number]
"""Withdraw some of your invested Didier Dinks from your bank."""
if isinstance(amount, int) and amount <= 0:
return await ctx.reply("Amount of Didier Dinks to invest must be a strictly positive integer.")
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
withdrawn = await crud.withdraw(session, ctx.author.id, amount)
plural = pluralize("Didier Dink", withdrawn)
if withdrawn == 0:
await ctx.reply("You don't have any Didier Dinks to withdraw.", mention_author=False)
await ctx.reply(f"You have withdrawn **{withdrawn}** {plural}.", mention_author=False)
@commands.hybrid_command(name="nightly") # type: ignore[arg-type]
async def nightly(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Claim nightly Didier Dinks."""
async with ctx.typing(), self.client.postgres_session as session:
await crud.claim_nightly(session, ctx.author.id)
await ctx.reply(
f"You've claimed your daily **{crud.NIGHTLY_AMOUNT}** Didier Dinks.", mention_author=False
except DoubleNightly:
await ctx.reply(
"You've already claimed your Didier Nightly today.", mention_author=False, ephemeral=True
@commands.hybrid_command(name="rob") # type: ignore[arg-type]
@commands.cooldown(rate=1, per=10 * 60.0, type=commands.BucketType.user)
async def rob(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: discord.Member):
"""Attempt to rob another user of their Dinks"""
if member == ctx.author:
return await ctx.reply("You can't rob yourself.", mention_author=False, ephemeral=True)
if member == self.client.user:
return await ctx.reply(settings.DISCORD_BOOS_REACT, mention_author=False)
if member.bot:
return await ctx.reply("You can't rob bots.", mention_author=False, ephemeral=True)
# Use a Lock for robbing to avoid race conditions when robbing the same person twice
# This would lead to undefined behaviour
# Typing() must come first for slash commands
async with ctx.typing(), self._rob_lock, self.client.postgres_session as session:
robber = await crud.get_bank(session, ctx.author.id)
robbed = await crud.get_bank(session, member.id)
if robber.dinks <= 0:
return await ctx.reply(
"You can't rob without dinks. Just stop being poor lol", mention_author=False, ephemeral=True
if robbed.dinks <= 0:
return await ctx.reply(
f"{member.display_name} doesn't have any dinks to rob.", mention_author=False, ephemeral=True
jail = await get_user_jail(session, ctx.author.id)
if jail is not None:
return await ctx.reply("You can't rob when in jail.", mention_author=False, ephemeral=True)
# Here be RNG
rob_roll = random.random()
success_chance = rob_chance(robber.rob_level)
success = rob_roll <= success_chance
max_rob_amount = math.floor(random.uniform(0.20, 1.0) * rob_amount(robber.rob_level))
robbed_amount = min(robbed.dinks, max_rob_amount)
if success:
await crud.rob(session, robbed_amount, ctx.author.id, member.id, robber_bank=robber, robbed_bank=robbed)
return await ctx.reply(
f"{ctx.author.display_name} has robbed **{robbed_amount}** Didier Dinks from {member.display_name}!",
# Remove the amount of Dinks you would've stolen
# Increase the sentence if you can't afford it
lost_dinks = await crud.deduct_dinks(session, ctx.author.id, max_rob_amount, bank=robber)
couldnt_afford = lost_dinks < robbed_amount
punishment_factor = (float(max_rob_amount) / float(lost_dinks)) if couldnt_afford else 1.0
punishment_factor = min(punishment_factor, 2)
to_jail = couldnt_afford or random.random() <= jail_chance(robber.rob_level)
if to_jail:
jail_t = jail_time(robber.rob_level) * punishment_factor
until = tz_aware_now() + timedelta(hours=jail_t)
await imprison(session, ctx.author.id, until)
return await ctx.reply(
f"Robbery attempt failed! You've lost {lost_dinks} Didier Dinks, "
f"and have been sent to Didier Jail until <t:{until.timestamp()}:f>"
return await ctx.reply(f"Robbery attempt failed! You've lost {lost_dinks} Didier Dinks.")
async def jail(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Check how long you're still in jail for"""
async with ctx.typing():
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
entry = await get_user_jail(session, ctx.author.id)
if entry is None:
embed = discord.Embed(
title="Didier Jail", colour=colours.error_red(), description="You're not currently in jail."
return await ctx.reply(embed=embed, mention_author=False, ephemeral=True)
embed = discord.Embed(
title="Didier Jail",
description=f"You will be released <t:{entry.until.timestamp()}:R>.",
return await ctx.reply(embed=embed, mention_author=False)
async def setup(client: Didier):
"""Load the cog"""
await client.add_cog(Currency(client))